Chapter 1 : New beginning

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"Give it up Naruto! You can't win against me!" Sasuke shouted from across the river.

"Sasuke! Just please, tell me first! Why are you doing this!?"

"Why!? Hahahahah!" He replied with a ridiculing laugh. "You already know the answer to that, don't you!? It's for my revenge against Konoha of course! With the power of the Rinnegan and the Bijuus I'm invincible! And the only one who even has a chance to stand up against and stop me, is you Naruto! So I'm just going to kill you right here so that nobody can interfere!" He yelled back with a mad grin.

At hearing this, Naruto was shocked! But how couldn't he be? After all, the only person he ever considered a brother wanted to kill him and all his friends.

"Sasuke..." Whispered Naruto.

(I'm sorry everyone.) He thought sadly.

"Sasuke, you are right. Right now we are almost equal in strength, and if we went all out I'm sure we would destroy half of fire country! And that's why I will end you right here, right now!" Naruto yelled out with newfound determination.

"Oh? And what's the little loser going to do?" Sasuke asked with an amused glint in his eyes.

"This!" Naruto screamed and started forming hand seals so fast you could barely even see them blur.

Snake - Boar - Ram - (Alda das machst dann du) - clasps hands together

"Shiki Fujin - Sealing Jutsu: Reaper Death Seal!"

As Naruto finished, a giant, translucent and gaunt spectre suddenly began to manifest itself behind him. Skin purple like poison, with white, shaggy hair from which two red horns were protruding. Draped in a white, large kimono with a tanto in its mouth, it was the incarnation of death.

The Shinigami.

"Are you serious Naruto!? You would sacrifice your own life for those people!? Don't you remember how they treated you when we were younger!? They beat you, spat on you! They treated you worse than trash, even though you were supposed to be their savior! And yet now you want to sacrifice yourself for them!?" Sasuke spat, getting ever more desperate by the minute. He knew that if Naruto used this Jutsu he wouldn't be able to escape. This fact wouldn't change, even if he were to teleport himself to the other end of the elemental nations or to a different dimension, the Shinigami will get you. After all, nobody can escape death.

"It doesn't matter Sasuke! Even if they treated me like trash when I was younger, I've already forgiven them! Now I even have precious friends who treat me as if I were their own family, and I WILL PROTECT THEM!" he screamed with finality.

"Shinigami-sama, I offer you a trade." Naruto began speaking to the Spectre behind him with a calm voice.

"Speak, human." Was the reply of the Shinigami. His voice alone was enough to send shivers down Naruto's spine.

"I offer you my life. In exchange, seal all the power of Sasuke Uchiha away, so that he may never use it to hurt people ever again." Naruto ended, all the while glaring in Sasuke's direction.

Sasuke on the other hand became so pale that you could mistake him for Orochimaru.

"Very well human, your offering is sufficient. I shall accept your proposal!" Were the Shinigami's final words before he took the tanto out of his mouth, which revealed a maw too large to be that of a human's, full of sharp, jagged teeth and a long serpentine tongue.

He slashed across Naruto's back and stretched his arm through the wound, grabbing his soul and leading it towards Sasuke.

Sasuke felt the presence of death approaching and suddenly began screaming. His body was spasming as he tried to resist but nothing could ever stop the Shinigami. Soon his soul too was ripped out of his body and merged with Naruto's. After the sealing was completed, Naruto fell to his knees, and then to the ground.

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