Chapter 1: The Error and the Compensation

Start from the beginning

Inner Sakura, as you are a chakra construct in the physical body of your host it is my job to inform you that you can either move on and be sent to the new Sakura, or stay here and guide your new host on her journey the same way you guided your old one.
If you choose the second option you will receive a gift of becoming a soul, and be granted your first body to yourself in your next life.

The ball of light waited for the black and white girl's decision and accepted it quickly. A foreign feeling of sadness hit me and I realized why.
I was going to be alone.

I -I promised Sakura that I would always be there for her so...I'm sorry for the way I treated you Mei. I nodded and gave a shaky smile.
Take me to her now please.

A flash of light and the girl disappeared, leaving me with a floating ball of light.

As there is no one to guide you in your new life, I will provide a gift for you as well.

First though, I need to remove the memories of your family and your death from your last life. Personal information and your age will also be erased.
All other information left over is a gift for you to keep in payment of our failure in performing our jobs.

"W-wait! I just need to know first...Sara Li, is-is she alive there? Is she safe?"

Your Sara Li is indeed alive still. She will grow older and marry your Guildbrother Santos, and have two children, a daughter who she names Amaya after you. She will have a good life after the oncoming war.

Relief and happiness at those words filled me, and I nodded, smiling softly at the good news.


My world blanked out and I felt like something was draining away from me. I watched as my memories played out rapidly, blackening until all thats left are books of information on magic, nobles and etiquette, a place called Althëa's history, a planet called Morrigan—on and on more personal memories left me.

In the end I felt fragmented, confused and unwhole.

I've healed your body, and now its time to remove the blocks on your memories as Sakura-chan.
Please, keep still.

Memories played again rapidly and I felt the holes filled with darkness filling up with these new ones. Millions of images, sounds, scents, feelings of touch—all my senses were discovering years worth of objects, people and foods.
I had a feeling that if it wasn't for this being of light in front of me then I would be in unimaginable pain from the shock of it all.

The memories began to slow down, specifically those that happened more recently.
Memories of my parents just last night were last, a woman with platinum blonde hair and honey brown eyes and a man with dark red hair and jade green eyes, brought a deep feeling of warmth and happiness to my chest and I smiled as I watched the two who took care of me for twelve years. I had been a bratty child, but full of love for my parents, even if they were gone more often than not.

My life was very interesting, I lived in a world where people could become Ninjas using Chakra like magic.

Ok, maybe magic was a lot more developed, but I knew now that it was almost the exact same thing.

My birthday was March 28th, I was twelve and I had just graduated the Academy. I had a love rival in a girl named Yamanaka Ino, was once bullied and now I had really no one else as a friend.
I was kinda a bitch.

Why was I like that? And that boy, Sasuke, he obviously didn't like me, or any other girl so why was I harassing and stalking him so much?

And if I was training to be a ninja, then where are the memories of me working out, of eating healthy meals and of me getting stronger? Even last night during dinner I complained over a small meal that eating too much was gonna make me fat, but knowing from seeing myself in the mirror everyday I was actually stick thin, so small my ribs were starting to show! My poor mom and dad looked worried but like they had no idea on how to help me.

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