Chapter 30

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*2 weeks later*

I opened up the door to darkness. Bucky must have still been out with Steve and Sam, who were apperantly having a mans night out. I decided to just watch a movie or something until he got back.

"As I sat down, I heard something fall in the bedroom. Bucky couldn't be home, could he? I mean, all the lights were out, so he wouldn't be here. I got up and walked into the other room, but nothing seemed to be out of place.

Suddenly, the door slammed behind me. I whipped around to see the Hydra agent that we had let escape when Bucky had 'died'. He had a big grin on his face.

"Hey sweetie, remember me?" He said.

"What do you want?" I stammered.

"Bucky, of course." I was about to say that he had died, but the guy cut me off. "I know the whole death was an act. He's still alive, and he's still here. Where are you hiding him now/"

"Not here. You'll have to find him."

"No, he'll be trying to find you. You're coming with us until you say where he is."

"I told you, he's not here. You'll have to find him."

"I guess you asked for it." the guy punched me, and everything went black.


*Bucky POV*

"kylee?" I called out. No answer. I walked throughout the apartment, but Kylee was nowhere in sight. It was 11:30, she shouldn't be out this late at night. Maybe she was sleeping, and I just hadn't noticed.

I walked back to the bedroom, but Kylee wasn't thee. As I took another step, I felt something under my foot. I looked down and froze.

On the ground was a pin. But not just any pin, it had the Hydra symbol on it.

"Shit, shit." I said as fean ran through me. Hydra knew I was here, and they had gottne Kylee. Maybe they had even killed her by now. The thought of that made me feel sick.

I ran back out of the room to get my phone. I had to call Steve and tell him. I frantically dialled his number, and he answered after two rings.

"Hey Bucky." I heard Steve say.

"Steve, it's Kylee." I said, my voice cracking. "Hydra, figured out I was still alive, and they took her."

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