Lab rats - Banginho

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Hybrid AU

Minho's POV

I'm running like all my life depends on it. It is actually. I'm a hybrid. A cat hybrid to be specific. I've been used by a crazy professor. He was my father's friend but when parents involved in a car accident and passed away, he has to 'take care' of me. He said I should thanked him cause he didn't leave me behind. Right now I'm trying to escape from him. "Goodbye hell!" I said when I saw a police station.

Chan's POV

I'm outside the police station just looking at the stars and mesmerized it. "Officer!" I heard someone yelled and I looked at him. "Officer please help me!" A boy begged me. Is that cat ears? When I opened my mouth to speak, an old man come to me.

Minho's POV

The professor came and told the officer, "I'm sorry officer, my son have experienced a traumatic situation that's why he always go to a police station and yelled help" "It's okay sir, I understand" The officer said. "I'll take my son now" "W-what? N-no please o-officer he is n-not m-my dad"

Chan's POV

Wait. What type of son will said that to a police officer? "Wait sir, can you stay for a while?" "Why?" "We can have some tea and I would love to here what your 'son' wants to say" I put both my hands on their shoulder and pulled them inside my office. "Please take a sit. How about we start with our names? My name is Bang Christopher Chan and you guys can call me Officer Bang" "Park Jeongrok" The old man said. "L-lee M-minho" "Interesting... You guys have a different surname. Minho, do you have anything to tell me?" He looks so scared. "It's okay you don't have to be scared. No one will hurt you. Right?" I said and look at the old man. "This man is not my father. He used to take care off me but he... H-he... " "He is not in his right mind-" "Why would you interrupted him sir? What did he do to you?" "He started to used me as his lab rat" Wait, lab rat? That's why you have that ears?"

Minho's POV

"Sit I need to go to your house for any evidence that you used this boy as your lab rat" N-no this is just a m-mistake. You don't h-have a reason to go to my house" This old man is unbelievable. "H-how about m-my ears Officer Bang?" I asked him. "T-that ears are fake!" "Shut up!" I mewled after I heard Officer Bang yelled. He come to me and touched my ears. I can't help but purred. "Cute" He whispered. "It doesn't look fake to me" He said. After that he talked to someone with his walkie talkie. "We have a warrant to go to your house for further investigation. My squad will be there" The professor immediately ran out of the office. "Useless. My squad are already there" "Excuse me officer, if he'll go to the jail, where and with who will I live?"

Chan's POV

"You don't have any where to go?" He shared his head as a no. Should I let him live with me? Well I live alone and my life is pretty boring. Maybe I can learn more about him. "How about you live with me? I promised I will never touch you without your consents" He nodded hesitantly.

1 year later...

"Daddy!" My son, Minchan yelled. "What so you need baby?" "I'm late for school" He whined. I immediately stand up looked at the clock. "Honey! Get up, our son is late for his school!" Minho get up and run to the kitchen and make a sandwich for our son to eat for lunch.

Mini time skip

I went home after sent Minchan to school and I have one more hour before work. To fill up my free time, let me tell you about what happened after Minho live with me. After we shared a house together, he also started to take a spot in my heart. He confessed to me after two months. He also told about alpha, beta and omega. When he first represented, he is an omega. The first heat came and he wanted me to breed him so now we have a beautiful son, Minchan. "Honey! I've prepared your uniform" I stopped spacing out and go to out bedroom.

Minho's POV

After Chan wore his uniform, I buttoned up his uniform and brush the dust off. I broke the silenced and say. "You know what?

I'm glad I became his lab rat or we will never create this wonderful family"

Ahhhhhh. This is so bad. Idk what I just wrote.

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