Mach sniffed Sena's arm and said, "I can smell milady's enchanted aroma... from my own body?"

Shovello looked at Tametomo's hands and exclaimed, "Where the heck did my shovel go?!"

Helico shouted, "Oh, wow! Look how slim I am now!", as she stands up and turns around.

Fire got up, "Hey... Juruu? Does this mean...", he trailed as Juruu realized, "Our souls... and the Machines'..."

"Have been swapped?!", Everyone exclaimed, "I knew something is not good... Come on! Let's go back to the base.", Blaze said.


The switched team, except Takamichi and Blaze, start playing around, Mabusheena looked around and said, "So this is Fire... And that's Juruu?"

"Right.", Juruu said, "Well, this is quite the pickle.", Muryou said as Jetter hits Takamichi, "Shiguru.", he growled in warning as Blaze shakes his head.

"Humans can walk with these spindly legs...?", Fire asked as he tried to keep balance, "The center of gravity's way off from a Stone's."

"I wanna move! Being stuck as a rock sucks!", Juruu whined as Mach continued to smell and touched Sena's body.

"Such a different form than ours...", Mach trailed as he smelled Sena's hands, "Such softness... It's fascinating.", he said as he was about to touch her chest area.

"Mach, Stop! Nobody wants to see those clichés!", Sena shouted and Mach stopped.

"This is rough. I had an exam to perform today.", Sayo said sadly as Helico stopped spinning and cheered, "Oh, yes! I always wanted to try surgery!"

"Helico! Don't!", Sayo shouted, as Jetter continued to run around the base, "I always wanted to flirt with a pretty actress the way Aniki does!", he exclaimed

"I can, can't I, Aniki?!", he asked as Mabusheena protected herself from Jetter, "You obviously can not!", Shiguru warned.

"No way I can do this whole video game thing...", Shovello said as he moves his hips, "Not with this back.", and he did the floss.

"You're looking pretty spry to me!", Tametomo commented as they continued to mess around.

"It's a good thing you and Drilljean didn't get swapped, Aniki.", Muryou said as Takamichi exclaimed, "Drill—! Except I am Gigant Driller."

"I hate to leave during this, but I gotta go back to the treasure hunt. Blaze, watch them.", Takamichi said and Blaze nodded, "Got it."

"It'll be okay. We'll figure it something out.", Muryou said, "Sorry.", Takamichi apologized and left as Juruu exclaimed, "It's time for my art lesson!"

Then, Juruu realized, "But... with things as they are...", and Fire slapped Jetter's arm out of the way, "You can leave it to me! I'll teach them everything they need!", Fire exclaimed.

Fire left as Juruu shouted, "Hang on, Fire!", as he left, "Blaze, could you take me and go after him?", Juruu asked and Blaze nodded.

"Of course, but first, you need to shrink.", he said, "Eh? How do I do that?", Juruu asked, "Uh...", they said.

Blaze sighed and muttered, "We got a long way to go... Well, Juruu, just imagine your self small.", and Juruu said, "Okay... I'll try."

"Shrink... shrink... shrink...", Juruu muttered as he began to shrink until he can fit into Blaze's arms, "Good job, Juruu, Now, where's the location?", Blaze said as he carried Juruu and looked for the location.


"We're here.", Blaze said as they entered the building, went to the room and saw the kids ripping their artworks.

Kirameiger x Male Gem OCWhere stories live. Discover now