Chapter 2

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(Episode 19)


Juruu, who was tired, knelt on the floor and lean on his bag, "You want tips on teaching kids?", Muryou said.

"Yeah...", Juruu nodded, "A preschool teacher friend of mine asked for help... She wanted me to teach her kids drawing, but... There's this one that I'm having real trouble with.", he explained.

"So I'm wondering what to do...", he sighed, "You can't figure something out?", Shovello asked, "Watch the attitude!", Fire warned.

"Tametomo is always able to lead his esports team!", Shovello said, "I mean sure, I'm pretty capable, but...", Tametomo said.

"Or you could do like my Aniki! Maybe if the kids looked up to you, they'd do what you say!", Jetter exclaimed.

"A role model for children... Yes, I can't quite refute that.", Shiguru said, "You could learn how to give a nurturing smile like Sayo!", Helico commented.

"You're the one who's always nurturing me, Helico.", Sayo complimented, "Wub!", Helico melted, "Or perhaps you could simply let momentum carry you, like Lady Sena.", Mach said.

"Yeah! Just gotta rush through it!", Sena said and realized, "Wait, was that an insult?", she said angrily, "I would never, of course not!", Mach defended.

"Capable... Role model... nurturing... Or momentum...", Juruu trailed, "None of that really works for me!", he whined.

"What're you talking about? You're the guy who always pulls it off in the end, Juruu! You've already managed plenty of miracles so far!", Fire exclaimed

Blaze nodded, "He's right, Juruu, why don't you just... be yourself, that way it can help the kids be inspired."

Juruu thought about it and asked, "Are you sure, Blaze?", Blaze nodded in agreement, "I know so.", he said.

The alarm went off and Takamichi reported, "Everyone! Steamer's running amok! I need backup, fast!"

They nodded and they went to their zords and formed Kirameijin. They arrived and Juruu said, "We're here!"

"He's been moving really weird this whole time.", Takamichi said, "Weird?", Sena asked, "It's not like he's messing around. Not like Garza at all.", he explained.

"Well, let's try taking hin down!", Juruu said, "Let's hit it with our hype maxed out!", Fire exclaimed as the Kirameijin hit the Steamer, but it dodged.

It, then, ran away, "Wait!", they shouted, "Hey!", Takamichi holds them back, "Good! Now!", Garza called as a bright beam hits them.

"What was that all about?", Takamichi said, "I don't know, but I don't like it.", Blaze said as the Kirameijin starts leaning down on the Gigant Driller.

"That's wonder heavy!", Takamichi exclaimed as they watch the Steamer laughing at them, "Looks like it went off without a hitch! Off we go!", Garza said and left.

Suddenly, Fire spoke, but he sounded different, "Huh? When did I leave the cockpit...?", he said, "Heavy! Get off already!", Takamichi exclaimed.

Takamichi grabbed Shovello, but he sounds like Tametomo, "Owowow! Hey! Don't be so rough!", he shouted.

Takamichi realized something, "Wait, who just said that?", he asked as Blaze said, "Oh, no... please don't tell me..."

"Hang on. What is going on?", Helico said, but she sound like Sayo, "I can't move at all...!", Sena, who's inside Mach's body whined.

"Don't tell me... Jetter, can you hear me?", Shiguru said in Jetter's body, "Oof... Zip...! Big trouble, Aniki! I can't fly!", Jetter said on the cockpit ground.

Kirameiger x Male Gem OCWhere stories live. Discover now