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   The whole week, Ranpo's vision had gotten worse and worse by the day. Though Poe had seemed to be ignoring him, or well... Ranpo had been ignoring him. It wasn't exactly his fault. He just didn't want Poe to think to fast on this and make the wrong decision. The whole time since Poe had come back was both heaven and a living hell. Just being with the emo type guy, made Ranpo swarm with happy thoughts and seemed to brighten his vision, but his mood got down whenever Poe tried to stop or get away from Ranpo's affection.

    There was a long silence before Poe spoke again, "I.. Need time to think about this...", He then left Ranpo on his own and walked to his house on his own.

   Ranpo remembered his vision getting so blurry. Not because of the effect of being soulmates, but because of how much he was trying to keep in tears but this time, it not working. He memorized watching the tall figure getting smaller and smaller. He hated it. He hated the feeling. He hated the darkness and how blurry it was. He hated how he was the one that had to suffer through all of this. He hated it. 

   The next place Ranpo found himself at was at his home. He had woken up to the sounds of two people yelling, or well, one person yelling. It sounded like Chuuya, so he thought it was just Chuuya being angry at Dazai like usual. Ranpo was going to chuckle until he heard the other voice, "But.. It just can't be me..", Poe? "Well it is! Stop being so stubborn and just see how much Ranpo appreciates your existence!", Chuuya tsked. 

   Ranpo tried opening his eyes and for some reason, he couldn't see anything. He couldn't open his eyes, "But I just don't understand...", He could feel Poe's frown and gloom. Then he finally saw something, but he wasn't in his body and he was falling. Ranpo couldn't really move his body, just his head. The raven looked at his body and around him. This was amazing. He was seeing colors but he could see what was happening with Chuuya and Poe.

   Poe was looking down at Chuuya as the smaller yelled at him. Chuuya seemed genuinely angry and looked like he was so close to just punching the taller one. He saw Chuuya's mouth move, but nothing more came out. Ranpo tried to figure out what he was saying, but his mind was blank. He couldn't think of anything. Ranpo just continued to watch and noticed the beautiful things about both of the people.

    Chuuya's beautiful ginger hair that falls onto his shoulder and bounces as his body shakes and he moves around quickly as he yells. Then his elegant blue eyes that showed eternal youth. Beauty, peacefulness, you could hear and see the ocean with a beautiful sunset in his eyes. It was a feeling that could warm everyone's shadow and sorrow. Then there's his pale skin, that just goes so well with every little detail about him. His feminity, his youthful eyes, his ginger-colored hair. It all fits well with his short-tempered but kind heart. 

    Then Poe's blackish-purple hair that covered his beautiful hazel eyes. Hazel's eyes showed his independence, confidence, and how spontaneous he was. His hair looked so soft and Ranpo felt a warm feeling of how I could feel running his hand through his hair. His eyebags showed how much he stayed up and worked hard to keep his promise to Ranpo. The promise to have Ranpo read his book first once it was done written. 

   Ranpo was lost at so many thoughts and so many emotions that he didn't know how to feel nor did he know what to do. It wasn't like he could do anything that he wanted to do or needed to do anyways. The falling feeling was an actual relief. It was like a release from the darkness and the release of trying to get so far in life. The feeling of air blowing on his back wasn't there but he could feel it. He could feel so much pressure even though it wasn't there. It wasn't a particular feeling that Ranpo enjoyed, but it felt nice to him. He moved his arm and faced it towards the vision screen and tried to grab it. He couldn't get a grip on what he wanted, but he couldn't let go of whatever that thing was. There were so many emotions he wanted to let out but just couldn't. 

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