Chapter 8: Cerulean City

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Serena woke up. She and Ash had set up camp about halfway to Cerulean. She sat up and stretched her arms, yawning. She looked at the other side of tent and saw that Ash's sleeping bag was empty. She then heard something outside. She changed quickly and left the tent to investigate the noise. She looked around their campsite and saw Ash and his pokemon in the middle of an intense training session just inside the surrounding trees. "Greninja, Water Shuriken!" he shouted, and Greninja sent four glowing blue disks flying at an X carved into one of the trees. "Corviknight, Steel Wing!" Corviknight's wings turned silver and he sliced through a large stone protruding from the ground. Serena grinned. She loved how passionate Ash was about what he did. She released her Pokemon, asked Braixen to start a fire, and began cooking breakfast with them.

When it was ready, she turned to call Ash, but he was already approaching. As he walked, he took off his shirt and used it to wipe the sweat off his face. Serena's face reddened as his actions had revealed his hard muscles and toned six-pack. When he reached her, he put his shirt back on and asked, "What's wrong? you seem kind of spaced-out." With a start, Serena realized she had been staring at his torso. She shook her head and said, "Nothing. Breakfast is ready." Ash nodded. "I gathered," he said, "It smells amazing." Serena smiled and said, "Thank you." She loaded two plates with eggs, sausages, bacon, and toast, and Ash got out several bowls of Pokemon food. As they ate, Serena noticed that Ash was eating more slowly than he had in Kalos, where he had eaten every meal like it was his last. She looked at the Pokemon and saw Greninja and Braixen sitting close together. "Aww," she said, pointing them out to Ash. He smiled, then gestured toward Pikachu and Sylveon, who were also eating together.

After they finished eating, they packed up the campsite and were almost ready to head out when they heard a voice coming from the trees. "Hello?" it called. They turned to see a young woman with long black hair and emerald green eyes enter the clearing. "Hello!" they responded, waving. She saw them and walked over to them. She was wearing navy blue jeans, a black shirt, and a brown jacket. "I didn't expect to run into anyone out here," she said. "My name's Makoto." "I'm Serena and this is Ash," Serena replied. Makoto's eyes widened. "Ash Ketchum?" she asked. Ash nodded, confused. "Oh my Arceus!" Makoto yelled, shaking his hand. "It's such an honor to meet you!" Ash was absolutely bewildered by this, so Makoto explained. "I watched the Kalos League and the news report on you and the gym leaders stopping Lysandre from destroying the world!" Then recognition dawned in her eyes and she turned to Serena. "Does that mean you're Serena Yvonne?" Serena nodded a little self-consciously, and Makoto smiled. "I saw you in the Master Class," she said. "You were amazing!" Serena smiled. "Thank you."

Makoto laughed, "I never expected to meet two of my biggest heroes on this trail." Both Ash and Serena blushed a little, embarrassed. "Anyways, where are you two headed?" Serena was the one who answered, "Cerulean City." Makoto gasped. "That's where I'm going!" "Really?" Ash said. "That's some coincidence." Serena nudged him playfully. "Why don't we go there together?" she said. "Are you sure?" Makoto asked. Serena nodded. They finished packing and went back to the main road to continue to Cerulean.

When they were almost there, Makoto whispered into Serena's ear, "Are you two a couple?" Serena blushed a little bit, but nodded. Makoto smiled. "Well I think you're very cute together." Serena blushed even more. They crested a hill and got their first glimpse of the city.  Serena gasped. She had seen some impressive cities in Hoenn and Kalos, but neither of those could have prepared her for the beauty of a Kantonian city. Modern office buildings were next to traditional gardens, and sakura trees lined the streets. There were a few parks where children played with their parents. People walked up and down the streets, into and out of buildings. Everything seemed cheery and peaceful, even though the city was relatively large. "Let's go!" Ash said, and started running. "Yeah!" Makoto shouted, and took off after him. Serena shook her head, grinning, then followed them.

After they checked into the Pokemon center, they decided to walk around the city. They walked by a restaurant called Kenji's Ramen and Grill, and stopped for an early lunch. The moment they walked in, they were assailed by a multitude of senses. They heard people talking, meat sizzling, and water boiling. They felt warmth wash over them. They smelled beef, chicken, and pork cooking, as well as freshly cut vegetables and aromatic sauces and spices. A man with a black apron stepped forward as they entered and brought them to a table. He gave them some menus and left to attend to the other customers. Makoto barely looked through her menu before choosing something. Serena asked Ash for his recommendation, and he suggested the Pork Belly Ramen Bowl. The waiter returned with three cups of water and took their orders.

After he left, Makoto asked, "Do you know if there's a gym here?" Ash nodded. "Yeah. The Gym leader's a friend of mine. Are you thinking of challenging it?" Makoto nodded. "I started my journey a few years ago. I'm from Lavender Town. I started so late because I wasn't all that interested in challenging the Indigo League. I was more interested in the Pokemon Contests and Showcases." She nodded to Serena, who smiled. "On the other hand, my dad was big into Pokemon battles and made me watch the Kalos League with him and when I saw your fight with Alain I thought, Pokemon battles are amazing!" Ash nodded. "That they are, but Pokemon aren't just for battling. They're our friends, too. They deserve our attention and praise just as much as the people we love." Makoto nodded readily. "Of course! My Pokemon are like my family!" she said. Ash smiled, and Serena nudged him. "Looks like you've found a kindred spirit," she said.

After they ate, they continued walking around. They found a shopping mall and, although he disliked shopping, Ash agreed to go in for the girls' sake. They explored the stores, Serena and Makoto getting something occasionally. As they were exploring a jewelry store, something caught Ash's eye. While the girls were distracted, he quickly bought it. After some more exploring, they left. It was now late in the day. Ash said, "Before we head back, I know a good place for dinner." Serena turned to Makoto. "What do you think?" she asked. "Actually, I'm kind of tired. I'm going to head back to the Pokemon Center. You two go on ahead." She looked at Serena and lowered one eye in a conspiratorial wink, then left.

After maybe half an hour of walking, Ash and Serena stopped in front of a fancy-looking restaurant. They walked in and were led to a table by a waitress. Ash surprised Serena by standing behind her and pushing her chair in as she sat down. The waitress smiled and gave him an approving nod. When the food arrived, Serena wasn't sure what it was. It looked like raw fish and vegetables wrapped in rice and a green plant material. A dark sauce was drizzled over it. She tentatively tried a bite, and was surprised at how good it was. After they ate, they walked back to the Pokemon Center. Before they walked in, Ash grabbed her arm. "Hey," he said. "While we were at the mall, I got you this." He pulled a tiny draw-string bag out of his pocket and gave it to her. She opened it, and her jaw dropped.

 She opened it, and her jaw dropped

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Her eyes teared up a little. Ash noticed this and was concerned. "Do you not like it?" he asked. Serena grabbed him and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss. After they separated, she wiped her eyes. "It's perfect. I love you." Ash smiled and hugged her. "I love you too."


KAWAII OVERLOAD!!! I wanted this chapter to have an OC but no one had any so I made one myself. Thanks for reading and remember to vote if you like my story and follow me for any updates. Bye!

A New Kind of Journey: Kanto (Inconsistent Updates)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें