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Is it bad to want to be first? 

The first to know?

The first person told?

The first friend to turn to?

Though I'm not much of a friend

Destructive, angry, childish, hypocrite

But why?

And how do I fix it?

And don't you fucking dare call me a hypocrite for "not solving my problems"

I do

I try

I try so hard

But it's not worth it

I'll always be the one on the outside

I thought we were friends

I thought you fucking cared


Would you have said all the same things if you knew I was there?

I try

I try not to be angry

I try not to be sad

I try to be a good friend

But one mistake

And it blows up in my fucking face

And I'm sorry I never get any of your jokes and I'm sorry I talk too much and I'm sorry I'm a shit friend

But I'm not sorry for trying

I am always angry

And I do control my emotions most of the time

Otherwise I wouldn't lasted a fucking WEEK

But months


Of trying to be kind to be good to be your fucking friend

And somehow

I always manage to just sit on the outside

I watch as they grow closer

I don't get to have that!

I don't get it , okay!?

You will always be first, the first to be told to be fucking trusted 

But I'm always last 

Is it me? What did I do wrong?

Is there a way to fix it?

Or am I just as fucking bad as everyone thinks?

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