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It was 2am in the morning but Trafalgar Law was still awake. Drenched in sweat, he sat at the foot of his bed. His eyes seemed blank as he stared at the walls of the Polar Tang. Its walls creak as another surge of a strong current hits.

Sleep had somehow evaded him again. Ever since the fight in Dressrosa, he'd been having recurring nightmares.

It always started the same, his dear Cora-san bleeding to death at his feet as he stared at him. Law just stands there, as if frozen in spot.

Cora-san's mouth moves to speak "You killed me, Law"

The Surgeon of Death, realizing that sleep was never going to come back, stands up and heads to the kitchen in search for water for his parched throat. As he reaches the kitchen, he opens the fridge, grabs a bottle of water and chugs it down.

He sighs.

Bepo, who had been at the bathroom, stared at the now lit kitchen. He peeked at the door and saw his captain, staring blankly at the open fridge while holding an empty bottle of water.

"Captain? Is it the nightmares again?" the white polar bear mink says as his eyebrows furrow in concern.

"Yeah" the Surgeon of Death answers without making eye contact. His eyes were still fixated at the open fridge.

"You know Cora-san would never say anything like that, right?" Bepo walks towards his captain.


"Come on, Captain. It's way past midnight" the white polar bear mink grabs his captain's hand and drags him out if the kitchen. Bepo and Law now stood infront of the men's room "Come here, Captain. You can sleep with me"

The surgeon of death said nothing but allowed his nakama to grab his hand and lead him to his bed. Snores filled the room as the rest of the men in the crew were sleeping in the room. Bepo laid down in bed and notions his captain to do the same. Law plopped down the bed and tried to close his eyes.

The crew, now half awake because of the loud creaking of the Polar Tang, had seen the whole ordeal, grabbed their futons and placed it near the polar bear mink's and slept there.

A smile forms at the corners of Law's mouth as he watches his crew's antics. Ah, this is reality. This is home.

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