Chaputing tree!

21 1 2

Mongler man wes sneek into ceev to resQ Dungorto buoy, carfoil-y craowling 2 not weak droneg.

dumingoritto boi was wake from le frootlight and saw minging min snurkin 2 him!

Nacho chips boi was so happy thut sum1 rexue him dat him strat 2 shake nicolas cage for myntaen mon's atentiton, but there was 1 mistletake! 

The drimmun was aweak! :O

The dawsuogn make the angri with derputollo boi and slam johhny cage, and deputillo boi goose flaying across rum!

Huw will mengbit mün sev boi naow?!

Watch in next chaputinger!

*arthurs nut*

-I take 2 efforts in this chaputing insteed of 1, pls lick and subripe!-

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