"Room #2. Stay safe." the tall man said.

"Thanks!" I replied.

Similar to before, the private rooms were entirely different from the rest of the club. As my heels clacked against the tile, a tsunami of perfume and cold air blasted in my face. I felt my body twitch, as goosebumps arose from the pores of my skin. A voice deriving from under the bars of romantic, crimson lights startled me.

Once again, the mysterious man from before relaxed his build on the cushions. Now, I could see more of his features under the moody lights. His hair resembled raven feathers, and his skin was fair. A compelling emotion of fear brewed inside of my stomach, yet my feet moved on their own.

A confronting voice snapped me out my thoughts. "Hey."

All this time, I had hung my head low. However, now my chin rose, and my eyes came to lock with his. Through his translucent blouse, I could make out the outline of his abs, but there was something else. Patches of gory, timbered skin threw me aback.

"Are you scared of me?" the man asked, whilst chuckling under his breath.

I tried to direct my eyes up, ignoring the gnarled patches of skin. "No way." I mumbled, my words trembling.

Suddenly, the man drew a cobalt flame from his palm. Whisps of smoke filled the room, and the intense heat radiating off the small flame glistened on my thighs.

I felt as my knees crumbled, my delicate hands caressing my chest. My eyes flooded with oceans of fear, eventually spilling and dripping down my cheeks.

The man excused himself from the padded seats, and glared me down before he spoke, "If you aren't afraid, why are you crying so pathetically?"

"This was a waste of time."

"Wait, please! I'm sorry, I was just startled, that's all." I apologized.

Amused with my answer, the man stayed. He withdrew the cobalt flame from his hand, and trudged towards me. Reaching his pale hand down, I gripped onto his digits. His fingers entwined with mine, sending shockwaves which penetrated my flesh.

"Care to join me for a drink?" he teased whilst a smirk extended across his face.

I balanced myself, yet the feeling of uncertainty lingered in my joints. Releasing my fingertips from his, I nodded my head. "I'd like that." I said, hitting him with a soft smile.

My uneasiness dispersed, as I felt a buried feeling of security from the man brew in my stomach. Disregarding the incident, something about him was so comforting, yet so intimidating. I felt safe in his company, despite his charred skin and chaotic hair.

The man accompanied me at the complimentary bar, which came with all private rooms. I sat on the cushioned barstool, while he got comfortable behind the marble counters.

"You can make drinks?" I asked.

A slight chuckle escaped from his seared lips. "Definitely not."

Suddenly, he leaned his muscular build over the marble counter. Bringing his face towards mine, I began to make out his pores. His eyes glared down at my chapped lips, resulting in a rose color encasing my cheeks. The taste of sour candy filled my mouth, as I grew flustered.

His vibrant, sapphire eyes saw through me. Pulling his face away from mine, he grabbed ahold of a glass, before filling it with cubed icicles and crystal water. "You need to drink more water."

"I can tell you haven't been drinking enough." he continued.

"Thanks.." I replied with a pitch in my voice, I still wasn't aware of his name.

The man caught onto my signal, and finally revealed himself. "Dabi."

Correcting what I once said before, I opened my mouth to speak. "Thank you, Dabi."

I hung my arm over the counter, while taking occasional sips of the crystalline water. The golden rings which embraced my fingers glimmered in the rays emitting from the chandelier. Dabi had taken notice of my rings, and began to ask me questions. "So, tell me about yourself."

His interest caught me off guard, to which I responded. "Honestly? There's not much to me."

"If you're that intrigued, my name is (Y/N). I work here with my closest friend. I never dreamt of this life, but you don't always receive what you want."

Dabi's eyes filled with soul as he closely listened to my words. Private rooms are solely used for erotic dances, in some cases, even sex. However, here was this stranger, who yet seemed so fascinated by a lowlife like me.

"Damn, I wasn't expecting a life story." he replied with a consistent smirk.

I tapped the foundation of the crystal glass onto the marble countertop. "Fuck you." I laughed.
Surprisingly, the feeling was mutual. Buried under the tiers of cells in my body, an odd perception of attraction to this stranger lingered.

"I'm assuming your quirk is fire-related?" I asked.

Dabi gripped onto the frame of the glass, and placed it aside the sink. "That wasn't so hard to guess, was it?"

"And you? Why the hell are you wearing those bulky rings?" he continued.

My quirk? It's never brought up, because I never found the need to use it. I'm neither a hero, or villain, therefore my quirk has always felt useless. I opened my mouth to speak, and gulped. "It's kind of, embarrassing?"

"I wear those rings because I can't control my quirk, it's too destructive against my body."

Letting out a sigh, I continued. "Basically, I have a gas quirk. I can produce five types of gases, you see?"

Dabi nodded, as he adjusted the cloak which effortlessly grasped onto his broad shoulders. "That's interesting. We'd make a good team."

"Add fuel to fire, and you'll end up with an inferno."

A minor remark such as that, was enough to fill my stomach with butterflies. I glanced at the digital clock, which gathered dust in silence. The bold, pixelated numbers surprised me. It was nearly midnight, meaning our time together had depleted.

Dabi took notice of the clock, and opened his mouth to speak "Looks like we've run out of time."

"Oh, yeah." My tone of voice hinted agreement, yet I felt conflicted. Dabi had peaked my interest, and I wanted to accompany him for longer. Out of the blue, words sputtered from my lips.

"Will I see you again?"


authors note; here's part 2, you finally met dabi !


artwork by: 91qwn on twitter

words: 1675

princess | dabi x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz