He looks up at me and for a second I feel something. I see the same look in his eye I saw last night when we were in the corridor alone. A look of innocence. A look of apology almost. He snaps out of it and pulls his hand away quickly. Luna looks between the two of us.

"Well, that tension was quite strange," she says with a lighthearted smile. I smile back at her and glare at Draco. The rest of class he leaves me alone surprisingly.

I am the first one out the door, so I can continue avoiding my friends. I walk outside and find a nice tree to sit under. I lay my books down and sit under the tree, resting my head against it and closing my eyes.

What am I supposed to do when Harry tries to leave Hogwarts? I know he will try to. He can't stay here doing nothing knowing Voldemort is out there waiting for his moment to strike. I can't keep him here. That won't help anything and it will be suspicious. I also can't let him go out there not knowing my parents waiting for him. This was not how I pictured my final year at Hogwarts-

"Nap time under the tree Greene? Too busy staying up thinking of me last night?" I open my eyes and almost say how did you know, but then I realize it's just Malfoy making a smug joke. Plus I wasn't even thinking of him like that.

"Stalking me, Malfoy?" I look up at him as he stands leaning against the tree staring down at me.

"What? No," he says this with a sharp tone a little too seriously and I give him a confused look. I'm pretty sure he was told to stalk me, which he is horrible at.

"I'm joking. What do you want?" He relaxes again and pushes his hair out of his face. The sun glistens off of his pale skin.

"How did it go with Snape?" This conversation seems oddly normal for Draco. We haven't actually had a real conversation in about seven years. Our interactions have only consisted of him insulting me and me either rolling my eyes or exploding on him.

"Why do you want to know?" I ask snapping at him. I'm very skeptical of his intentions.

"You seemed bothered by whatever he said to you in potions class, so I just thought I'd ask. Jesus Olivia, can't I have a normal conversation with you?"

I don't even know what to say. There it is again. Olivia. Every time he calls me that, my heart skips about twenty beats like It used to when we were kids. I remember sitting in the tree with him when we were ten, the night before we left for Hogwarts:

"Are you ready to be a real Slytherin?" I swing my legs from the tree branch i'm sitting on and look at Draco. He is looking at the stars. His white hair shines at night.

"Of course I am. We were born for this Olivia." I smile at him and he grins back, his small cheeks going upwards. Draco is my best friend, I couldn't imagine how nervous I'd be for Hogwarts tomorrow if he wasn't going to be there with me.

"What if I don't get put into Slytherin? Would you still be my friend?" he looks at me shocked.

"Not be in Slytherin? Are you kidding Liv? We are pure Slytherin blood. That's crazy talk. I will always protect you no matter what Liv." I look down shyly at the ground beneath us.


"Of course. Unless you were in Gryffindor then I'd have to get rid of you!" We both laugh and I hear Mr. Malfoy and my dad call our names. We jump down from the tree and run inside Draco's house and I hug him goodbye. Until tomorrow.

I wish he was joking that night before we left for Hogwarts, but apparently he wasn't.

"No Malfoy, we can't have a normal conversation because you haven't treated me like a human being in years." I grab my books and begin to stand up. We are standing face to face now and I can see the hurt in his dark grey eyes. I look down at his arm and see a glimpse of his tattoo. He sees me looking and pulls down his sleeve, almost like he is ashamed of it.

Is he though? I always thought he was proud to be a death eater.

"I'm just trying to be nice, Jesus Greene." This makes me furious.

"No you aren't Draco. Just stop. Stop following me, I promise I will let you know before I do anything Snape won't like so you can report it to him." I turn to stomp away, but he grabs my arm.

"It's not like that Liv." What is wrong with him all of a sudden?

"Stop calling me that." I yank my arm and walk away.

If he thinks being nice to me is going to gain my trust so he can report to Snape, he's wrong.

I won't let him get close to me ever again.

hey! let me know your thoughts on this chapter, it is slightly longer. you got a little flashback of young draco and olivia(:


unwritten: a draco malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now