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Dean stood outside of the bunker doors, watching Ellie's car drive away until finally it was out of sight, and the echo of its engine could no longer be heard. Every part of him shouted at him to climb into his car and go after her, but his feet remained planted on the ground where he stood, waiting.

Finally after the initial silence had passed, she appeared beside him. Her golden light radiated from around her with a bright halo, illuminating the area around them that was shadowed in dusk. The Sun stood parallel to him, looking out at the open field and waiting to speak until the dust from Ellie's car had settled.

"Well done," She congratulated, still staring out in Ellie's direction, confirming that she had no intention of turning around. Dean reluctantly lifted his eyes up to her.

"You know I didn't want to do this."

The Sun slowly turned to face him, meeting his gaze with her piercingly golden eyes.

"You didn't know how to handle this, Dean. You were lost. You didn't know what to do, so I told you. I gave you direction.... As I already explained, the only way to ensure she won't do this again is to show her that there are consequences for her actions."

"And I'm just supposed to deliver that consequence for you? I'm supposed to what - punish her? She made a mistake, she was human-"

"And yet you've spent the last two weeks thinking about how inhuman she was during that time... You wanted this all along, Dean, I merely nudged an idea in your direction," The Sun continued in a steady volume, shifting her posture back towards the field. "You know deep down this is what's best for her."

"And now that I-" Dean began, but cut himself off. He couldn't bring himself to admit what he had just done. "I'm sure this all turned out exactly how you wanted, didn't it?"


The story will continue in:

Felis Leo

Expected early January 2021

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