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Some time had past, it felt like about a week or two, but you know it must've been at least a month. Things in Homeworld were just wonderful, you even made some new gem friends. Everyone seemed much happier than when you first got here, though of course we have Steven to thank for that. There was one gem however that wasn't so happy. With every new change that came, she grew more distant, and sad.

One night before you went to bed, white was sitting at her desk table thing. She was resting her head on her hand, mindlessly scrolling on a screen. She sighed. You noticed a frown on her face, and a sadness in her eyes. It was hard to explain, but the look on her face didn't sit well with you. You tried asking her if anything was wrong, but she was resistant. She insisted nothing was wrong. She shrunk down quickly to give you a hug, then left the room so you could sleep.

You couldn't believe her words, not when she was acting like that. You knew something was bothering her, you just had to figure out what it was.

All the thoughts of what it could be were running through your head all night, you ended up pulling an all nighter, but that didn't bother you. You had to come up with some sort of a plan. You had to make sure you could find a way to help White feel better, even if she doesn't want to tell you why. This is something you needed to ask your new gem friends. They've known white for a long time now, they must know something that would cheer her up.

After days of visiting your friends, spending more time with White, and trying find any possible way to make her happy, you came up with nothing. It was a long, exhausting process, that got you nowhere. You began thinking out loud, as sometimes this helps you think more clearly.

"nothing seems to be working here... I've tried everything the gems came up with, but none of them did anything for White. She still seems miserable." You pondered for a moment, "what if I gave her a gift? I haven't tried that yet, but what's something one would give to a giant intergalactic space monarch? There isn't exactly any stores here."

You sighed, this was much more difficult than you thought. You sat on your bed as your eyes wandered around the room. The big, white, empty room. Then it hit you. You haven't decorated this place like you promised yet, maybe that would help. You leaped up from your bed with excitement and chills coursing through your body.

"that's it, maybe that will cheer her up!"

You immediately got started. You pulled out your screen; custom made just for you and your human hands. You typed away, made diagrams, scanned over the room, everything a professional designer would do. You came up with a solid plan, one that you knew would surprise white. She obviously didn't like the look of a mess, or clutter, so a more simple decoration path was the best bet. You thought of something sort of modern, and simplistic, with only a few colours. Happy colours, and motivating ones.

It did however take a bit longer than you initially thought, everything had to be perfect for the grande White Diamond of course. As the gems helping you left, you stood in the centre of the room, slowly turning around, acknowledging your hard work. You were proud of yourself. All that was left, was to wait.

Just wait for White, that's all. You walked over to your bed, it had become your corner of the room. It had slowly become more and more like home to you. There was some pictures of you and your new gem friends, all your clothes, including the ones made for you, were neatly folded on a shelf. Pink Pearl's treat, no matter how many times you ask her, she still insists on treating you like a diamond, since "White obviously likes you so much, you must be treated with just as much respect as her". The thought gave you a small flutter in your stomach. White was your friend, of course she would like you, she wouldn't let you stay here if she didn't. Although, that can't be all there is to it, right?

White walked in, you turned around, the flutter suddenly getting worse. You smiled at her, she looked around, astonished. Her gaze fell to her desk. You had had found pictures of the diamonds on some old archives in your screen. Since it was diamond technology, it had some sources into more information that you felt necessary. It was an accidental discovery, though you thought it would work nicely in White's room. She'll have a reminder of the people she loves right there by her side as she works.

White walked over to her desk, silently. You stood there fidgeting with your thumbs, patiently waiting for her to say something. She picked up the picture, it had been put in a frame, like one from earth. She looked around the room one last time before looking at you. Her eyes seemed glossy, as if brimming with tears, she spoke softly.

"Y/n, did you do all this?"

You smiled, trying your best to maintain eye contact, "yes, do you like it?"

White smiled, but then frowned and sat down in her chair, "it's perfect"

You also frowned. She didn't seem so happy with it, even if she says it's perfect. You walked up to her foot and tapped it, she reached down and lifted you up to the desk. You sat on the edge right in front of her. "hey, are you alright?"

White faked a smile, it was very obvious from her tone. Her voice had gotten slightly shaky as well. You knew something was going on, something worse than her just being a little down lately. This wasn't like her at all, you knew that, everyone did.

"Yes, of course I am, thank for all of this. You've been so kind to me lately"

That was a lie. There's no way she could be fine when she's so obviously not. You smiled anyways, nodding. "you're welcome. I did promise to do this for you anyways. Besides, you're a great friend, of course I'm gonna be nice"

That word stung a bit. Friend. What was so wrong with it? It doesn't matter right now, only white matters.

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