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Even though you were tired, it was still difficult to fall asleep. You kept tossing and turning, it was too bright in here, and you felt very self conscious about what just happened with White.

Meanwhile, White was still confused, you looked at her a couple times and saw her pondering while staring into space as if deep in thought. You knew this was hard for her, all the things about you were new, she was an alien, she had no idea what all this human stuff was. It's amusing really, you originally came here with her because she wanted to know more about presidents, now she's already seen you naked.

Since you couldn't sleep, you decided to talk to White again, maybe she could turn the lights off while you were sleeping, if there even were lights, there didn't seem to be a source of light anywhere in here. It was just coming from everywhere, it hardly even seemed like you had a shadow.

"Hey, White. I um, I can't seem to sleep," you sat up in the bed and looked nervously at White.

She immediately snapped out of her dream world, she even seemed a little shocked to see you still awake, "oh? why's that?"

You were even more nervous now, you couldn't tell why, but just seeing White look at you like that, it gave you butterflies. "I don't know, I think it's just too bright in here."

"We can fix that if you'd like," she didn't even wait for you to respond, a screen popped out of her desk, she pushed a few buttons, then the lights got dimmer and dimmer till it was almost pitch black in there.

Ha, it wasn't just a desk, called it.

"Thanks, that's better."

You knew you might be able to sleep now, but really you just wanted to talk to White. You could still see her, even in this darkness, you could see her sitting in the chair looking off into space again, quite literally for that matter. The stars were very clear in the sky outside. You thought maybe just going to bed would be better instead.

When you woke up the next morning, you were surprised to see someone sleeping in the bed next to you, so surprised you screamed. That caused whoever was in your bed with you to jump awake and look at you in confusion. That's when your brain caught up to you- it was White. You were so shocked you fell out of the bed and aggressively pointed at her while trying to sputter out words.

"No, you can't, how? But the chair, you, big, not small. Why are you? White? Why are you in my bed!? How are you in my bed!? you're like, huge, not human size, how the hell-?"

White sat up in the bed and raised her hand in a shushing motion so she could explain,

"It's simple really, gems can shapeshift. All I did was alter my size," she smiled, as if that would help you calm down. It didn't.

"Okay, but why are you in my bed I thought gems didn't sleep," you still weren't calm, but at least you could talk properly. So, shapeshifting, that was unexpected. It still doesn't explain why she was in your bed.

"Well while you were sleeping, I was still trying to figure out the whole private part thing you said, it still doesn't make much sense, but I did some work instead. I was going to ask you more when you stopped sleeping. Then whenever I looked at you, you just seemed so peaceful, and relaxed. After everything that just happened to me, that seemed like something I needed right now. So I did make a bed beside yours, but it didn't feel right. So I tried yours instead, there was plenty of room right beside you. It was much more comfortable. I've been laying here for hours now, it feels so good to just do nothing, think of nothing, and forget the world."

You tried to process what she just told you. As she spoke you got more and more butterflies again. She was there for hours, what if you had rolled over onto her? Or you accidentally started to cuddle with her? You still only just met, this was all so crazy, and shocking. This is something your friends would never believe. You were always so bad at attracting other people, your flirting was terrible, and all your past relationships never worked out very well. This is the first time, even if there was no romantic attachment, that you got someone to sleep in the same bed as you only a couple days after meeting them.

In all honesty, you've never even had a one night stand, so really no one had ever slept in your bed with you so soon after meeting. This was so weird, all of this, the butterflies were making it hard to think. White slept with you, in your bed, without you knowing, and she can shapeshift. There are so many things that could've gone wrong, but they didn't seem to, White didn't say anything weird or wrong happened, just that you seemed peaceful and relaxed as you slept.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" you snapped back to reality, you didn't even realize you were staring.

"What? Oh, yeah, I'm ok. This is just so weird. It would be inappropriate for us to sleep in the same bed, yet it happened. But, gems don't sleep, how did you sleep when gems don't sleep?"

"We can sleep. It is possible, we just don't need to. A gem's form is made of light, we don't need sleep to keep up our energy"

Made of light. Maybe they really do get it from the sun. No matter, you were finally starting to fully calm down, so you stood up and brushed yourself off. White also stood up. She was still very tall, tall for a human, definitely taller than you. You still had to crane your neck to look at her, while she looked down on you. This made you blush a little, being so small and vulnerable. She could body slam you in one second flat at her size, no doubt.

You looked at her hand, where you would sit when she lifted you up. White took notice of this, and reached her hand out for you to grab. You hesitated, but took it anyway. When you did a strange heat ran up your arm, then spread through your entire body.

"It's strange isn't it? You used to fit in my hand, now at this size, it's only big enough to just hold yours," White looked at your two hands and intertwined your fingers, she smiled and waited for a response, all you could really do was chuckle.

"Yes, it is strange. You can still change back, right?"

"Yeah, I can. It's still fun exploring different sizes, I've never been this small before, I don't usually shapeshift unless I absolutely have to."

That made you even warmer inside, that meant she shapeshifted because of you, to fit in your bed.

Suddenly there was a brighter light in the room, a pink light, another one of those phone things was ringing on White's desk. It was in the shape of a diamond, a pink diamond. White let go of your hand and went back to her normal size to answer the phone. This made you a little disappointed, but you could still feel the softness of her skin between your fingers. Anyway, you went to join her, you were quite curious as to who could be calling her.



Anything that you do in the bathroom,

-use the toilet

- shower

-any type of skin care

- shave

- or whatever else you do in there

will NOT be included in this story. I'm not writing any of your bathroom adventures, it's up to you and your imagination to decide how and when you will be doing those things :)

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