Chapter 1: How It All Started.

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My name is Jason. I've always just been a normal boy who went to a normal school, had normal stuff, and lived a normal life. I'm not exactly the most popular boy in school or the tallest, but I'm fine with it. Being short and un-popular doesn't bother me. One day I was going down to my class at school, and this HUGE kid leading a gang came up to me.

"Hey, shorty!" He yelled in a deep voice. He was really tall, six feet at the minimun. He must've worked out a lot. Either that or he took 5 doses of steroids a day.

"Um, hey," I mumbled.

"What's in the backpack?" He roared.

"Um, do I know you?" I questioned.

"Well, you do now. My name is Logan. Now, what's in the pack?!"

"Yeah!" His gang shouted behind him.

"Um..." I started. The school bell rang. "I got to go!" The gang chased after me. But I was short and fast. I was pretty sure I had the advantage. I looked back, and saw the back of the gang was grabbing books and passing them up. Logan got one, and was literally a millimeter from taking my ear off. The next one almost hit me right in the spine. I was almost out of range when a book landed under my foot and tripped me.

"Aha!" Logan laughed, "You think you can run, tiny? Now you're getting it." He blasted me in the face and stomach, twice on each. Then he motioned for the gang to leave and they ran away. There was searing pain coming from right under my left eye. I wiped my hand over it only to find it covered in blood. And my stomach. I had barely eaten anything that day, and even then, I felt like was going to throw up last nights dinner. I ran to the nearest bathroom and covered my cut with paper towels. Once the bleeding had stopped, I went back to class. That was only the start of my many days of torture by Logan and his gang

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