Adopting Jack

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~JJs PoV~.

Ive lived in this house for 2 years. I'm getting a dog, a friend, a Kid, ANYTHING! I open my lap top and look up adoption centers. I see one right in my home town. I get derections and head over to the orphanage. When I get there I go inside,

. The lady at the desk looks up and says, "Hello? Thinking or doing?"

"Um I'm adopting." I awnser her. She smiles.

"What kind of child do you want?"

"13, uh Male. Likes music." I reply slowly.

"I'll get Luci she'll take you to see the kids."


I get out my phone and see 6 new texts from Gilinsky.

J-Gilinsky, JJ-Johnson

-JJ I'm sorry bout mal.-J

-dude u ok?-J

-every1 on Twitter is saying your gay?- J

-JJ come on dude!-j

-where r u?-j

-I'm coming over Friday-J

shit today is Friday.

I text him quickly

-K jack see you at 3-JJ

He answers imediatally

-OK!- J

A lady walks up to me

"You here to meet James and Jefferey?"

"I think so?"

She laughs, "The musical boys?"

I nod.

She leads me down a hall.

She opens a door marked Jeff&Dood

Inside are two kids.

They look about 8.

"This is Jeff and James." The lady says.

"Um, they are a little to young. I'm looking for a teen." I reply

The kids seem to be deaf to us.

"No!-I mean you shouldn't want a 13 year old. We only have one and he prefers Isolation." They lady exclaims.

"I don't care I want to meet him." I reply.

She led me down another hall and into a basement, she opened the only door down there,

"Just to warn you he's, Different." She said and left.

I walked down the stairs and saw a kid who looked a lot like me. He has Blonde hair, and is pretty pale, and short. He looks up at me, his eyes are like harsh blue ice. (Jack Percys writing is in the ' ' and JJs words are in the. " ".)

"Hi?" I say

He holds up a notebook, 'Hello.'

"What's your name?"

'Jack Percy.'

"How old are you?"


"Do you wanna get out of this hell hole?"


"Do you trust me?"

'Do you trust me?'

"Yes, and I won't let anyone hurt you."

'Ok. I trust you.'

He stands up and hold out looks at me. Then he goes over to a wall and hits the green button I didn't notice.

I adopted a Jolinsky shipper! (Jolinsky)Where stories live. Discover now