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Ten years prior:

"Elise Beatrice Danner!" The older woman sternly said, "This was your idea. So get over here and take this seriously."

The awkward eighteen year old sighed in frustration as she slowly closed the distance between herself and her grandmother.

"This wasn't my idea! This is all on you!"

"Because you said you wanted to do something extra special for her birthday."

Elise groaned while resuming her instructed position. She'd never wanted to learn. Her world revolved around the forest and the wildlife, what did she need with a skill she'd never use? But it was one of her grandmother's favorite things to do is dance and let the music consume all emotions. Elise was content to sit to the side and watch as Andrea and Bea would dance around the living room forgetting all of the surrounding world. It seemed as though they were the only two there and the movements along with the sound brought on some sort of peace and comfort that Elise had never encountered.

Bea counted off their steps as the pair moved in sync to the music. She didn't understand why her granddaughter was fighting her so hard to learn the steps, once she relaxed she was a natural at it.

"Dancing can be a romantic gesture on your part."

"I don't need lessons on romance from my grandmother, but thanks." Elise replied with hesitation.

"Good. Because I'm not giving lessons, I'm offering advice." Bea responded as they stepped to a waltz. "If your father or grandfather were here, they'd be the ones telling you such things."

Elise looked at her grandmother, "You're not going to give me the sex talk again are you? Because I have that pretty well covered." Elise said with a smirk upon her face.

"I've interrupted enough make out sessions on the couch to have guessed that already, so no, I'm not. But I will emphasize that you treat her with respect."

A voice chimed in from the foyer "Don't worry grandma, she does."

The pair stopped dancing at the sound of Andrea's voice and turned to look at her. She was dressed in jean shorts and a tank top, leaning against the kitchen archway.

Elise immediately looked away to hide the blush that covered her face but not before Andrea had seen it. Andrea pushed off the wall to walk towards the other two.

"I don't want to hear about your sex life but I am glad to hear that she treats you right." Bea then headed for the stairs after hugging each girl. "I'm going to go change so I can meet Shelly and Randy for dinner. You two have fun and stay out of mischief."

"We will." Andrea said as she approached Elise.

Elise turned toward the stairs, "Grandma?" Bea paused in her ascent to turn to look at Elise, "Thank you!"

"You're very welcome, my beautiful girl."

Andrea waited until she was sure Bea was out of hearing range to wrap her arms around Elise from behind. She kissed her neck then asked, "Since when do you dance?"

Elise leaned into Andrea and sighed, "Since a dance is the only thing you said you wanted for your birthday."

"I thought you were going to cook for me?"

"I am, but I always cook when we camp out. I wanted to do something more and you enjoy dancing." Elise turned in towards Andrea's arms, "Besides, I figure it's a way to seduce you out of this tight tank top you have on." Placing her hands on Andrea's hips, she pulled her into herself as close as space could allow.

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