montoya rolled her eyes "oh shut up, there was there was four of you working on that thing!" she yelled. "we could've finished sooner with the help!" he yelled back. montoya's laugh was equivalent to an angel's symphony in vinnie's mind. everything she did was just attractive to him. he wasn't sure what this feeling was, he couldn't tell if it was lust or general attraction. whatever it was, he wasn't complaining.

  "can i have some?" sebastien eyed montoya's fries. "nigga no, you had yo own mothafuckin fries. you inhaled them shits before you could even taste it" montoya furrowed her brows scooting away from sebastien. "i was hungry... and i want more" sebastien complained. vinnie glanced at him through the rear view mirror and shook his head "well we're not going back and we're not stopping either" montoya stuck her tongue out at sebastien and ate her fries in his face, taunting him.

  seb pushed her head away and turned his face towards the window. "don't be mad fat ass. get you some fries when we're on the way to your aunt's house". seb suggested that the group spend the rest of the day at his aunt's house. his aunt's home was 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐕𝐄. she was able to get a nice house because of her job as a plastic surgeon. she worked on famous people with the likes of kylie jenner, bella hadid and so and so forth. think of any celebrity, she probably fixed that. she lived in a wealthy neighborhood where all the white people resided and so seb thought it would be cool to have the crew chill out in the house. being in that big ass house by himself was no fun so he saw the opportunity.

  once they got back to vinnie and montoya's neighborhood the group agreed that they'd take their own cars back to seb's aunt's house. they all went their separate ways and washed their bodies clean of the beach before packing their sleepover bags and getting ready to go out again. vinnie and montoya left at the same time, she tailed behind him all the way there in her car. once they arrived, the rest of the group parked in the huge driveway of the house moments after the two arrived. montoya stepped out her car, eyes locked onto the house before her. she marveled at the architecture and structure of it. another thing, sebastien's aunt was very much into architecture as well. her second option after med school was becoming an architect if being a plastic surgeon didn't work out. a whistle of admire escaped troy's lips, by the expressions on the others faces montoya could tell they were star struck as well. "no wonder sebastien wanted us over, this place is huge as fuck" mia stared in awe as she started strolling to the front steps of the house.

  the rest followed suit as mia rung the door bell. the ringing echoed throughout the home and was loud enough to be heard outside as well. the tall blonde male opened the door within seconds with a wide smile plastered on face, showing off his pearly whites. "this is gonna be interesting" he moved to the side as they all piled into the corridor. "the rooms are upstairs, you can pick whichever one you want. mine is on the left end" sebastien said as he lead the way to the rooms. montoya picked the second to last room on the right and vinnie picked the last room. as she entered the room, the smell of vanilla and lavender filled the room. the walls were covered in cream white paint and the ceiling was covered in light pink floral wallpaper. the bed was dressed with white and light purple bedding, there was a balcony with a single blue hammock and couch. to top it all off, the bathroom was in white tiles and the bathroom surfaces were in white and beige marble. the shower had multiple shower heads and detachable ones as well. all the other rooms looked the same but were either in different colors or was slight constructed a slightly different way. if this wasn't sebastien's aunt's house it could've been seen as one of those reoccurring tiktok houses nobody really gives a shit about.

  montoya unpacked her sleepover bag, she placed her toiletries in the bathroom and placed her clothes into the mahogany dresser that was adjacent to her bed. once she got comfortable in the room she turned on the tv and flipped through channels looking for something to watch. she didn't really watch tv so she wasn't sure what channels would entertain her. she stopped her channel surfing as she heard a soft knock at her door. she slid out the bed and opened the door. there stood vinnie dressed in a black hoodie and white sweats "what's up?" vinnie leaned against the door frame glancing behind her to get a quick look at her room "sebastien wants us in the theater room to watch a movie?" montoya folded her arms and quirked a brow "what movie?" vinnie shrugged "he didn't say, better be something good" montoya walked back to her bed and shut the tv off "okay. let's go" she walked out of her room closing the door behind her.

  "where's your room?" vinnie followed behind her with his hands shoved into his pockets "next to yours" he could feel the smirk in her tone "aww how cute" vinnie rolled his eyes "oh shut up. i only chose to be next to you so i don't have to walk all the way down the hall to bother you" montoya stopped walking "i just realized i don't even know where anything is in this house" sebastien walked by the two with a bag of popcorn "over here" he walked down a set of stairs as montoya and vinnie followed. he lead them into a mini movie theater, there was five rows of seats and a big screen that you'd normally see in a real movie theater. maya was seated in between troy and mia in the middle row. "took you guys long enough" troy said as the trio entered the room. "shut up troy you're literally always late to any event you take part in," vinnie took a seat in the back row "what are we watching sebby?" sebastien placed his popcorn down "antebellum"

  the girls gave him a weird look "aw hell nawl!" mia yelled. sebastien raised a brow in confusion. "nah this a set up. you take three black niggas in this big ass house and finna make them watch a scary movie about slavery?" montoya asked, her sentence building up as she put two and two together. maya nodded "yeah this that 'get out' type shit" silence filled the room before it was cut off by the boys' laughter. the girls exchanged glances with one another as the boys continued their laughing fit. they were't comprehending what part of what they said, was funny. once the laughter died down sebastien spoke again "that may have been the funniest thing you guys have said all day" he wheezed. tears began to prick vinnie's eyes "are you guys like serious or?" maya furrowed her brows "i mean it only makes sense-" her sentence was cut off by another fit of laughter.

  the girls looked at each other one more time before getting up "bye, i'm not going to the sunken place" montoya as she aimed towards the exit. she was stopped by a cold hand on her shoulder. she turned to see vinnie, cheeks red from laughing and eyes filled with gloss "you're not going to the sunken place and we're not going to do anything to you" montoya looked at him then at troy and sebastien before rolling her eyes "i got 911 on speed dial" she followed vinnie back to the back row and took a seat next to him. "that was funny as fuck but anyways i'm gonna go set up movie. if you want popcorn or other snacks and refreshments, it's all in that cabinet over there the microwave is in there as well" he announced before leaving the room. "can you get me popcorn please?" montoya asked. "the cabinet is literally right there" vinnie complained. "i know but.. it's so far" she whined. vinnie sighed and rose to his feet, walking over to the cabinet "thank you vincent"

  sebastien came back and the movie started. vinnie also came back with montoya's popcorn and she thanked him again. "ion like this already" she whispered. "we're literally three seconds in. are you that scared?" he chuckled. "i'm not scared.. it's just unsettling" vinnie leaned in next to her, wrapping a black sleeved arm around her "don't worry i'm right here" montoya looked up at him "to save me from massa?" vinnie quietly laughed and nodded "to save you from massa"



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