
Five's voice was loud in my head.

I made out Valor calling at me. Five was looking at something. I flung my aching arms up, gripped the rope, and twirled.

"Sore me." I looked down at Sandream climbing up towards me at exceptional speed. At least she took her job seriously now.

Sandream grabbed me from my right hip and dragged me to the left and hopped up the rock face like some irate monkey. Five ripped off the metal grill and Valor pulled himself into it.

I was chugged up by the rope, until my stomach slid along the edge of the cold metal, and I flopped onto the ironstone chamber.

Sandream rushed up now and we ran deep inside.

The darkness gathered swift and left only our breathes and a loud whirring sound as company. Valor lit a wood bark. We were in this small room like section, the whirring sound came from a spinning piece of metal behind Valor.

To our right was this small chamber, with silvery walls, it curved downward to the darkness.

I took my gun and straightened up. The throbbing in my back bit tentatively at my resolve. I looked at Janilla, fast asleep. "Wake her."

Sandream had done the honors after unwrapping her. Janilla groaned and curled up into a ball, so I guessed the rope was too tight.

I breathed out, flexed my shoulders burnt from too much climbing. "Am I the only one assuming that leak was no accident?"

Valor said with a sneer, "You are not the only one Princess."

My feet eased their burn as I sat on my bum, allowing my legs along the chilly floor, while the others shifted around the creeping darkness.

Five nodded. "We should move."

I replied, "Five help Janilla up. Sandream thanks."

Sandream stared, then moved pass me then she slid into the chamber and disappeared. I said, "That was rude."

Valor smirked. "Give her time?"

"Valor I thought Elamnites were a bunch of soulless, emotionless people. What feelings could she be holding for me?"

"Technically, she is more Tiam than Elamnite. She lived in Tiam after all. Not like this pound of flesh," Valor said motioning towards Five.

Five cuts in, "This pound of flesh is quite useful."

"Would you look at that lassie, some of your arrogance is rubbing off on him," Valor said, soliciting my frown. "Seriously though, I can feel it. What have you done to her?"

I tilted my head back into the smooth wall. "Canus died, that's what happened."

"I see." Folding her arms akimbo, she continued, "...Canus was important to her. That abhorrence cannot disappear over a few weeks."

"I am more surprised she follows me, considering. Canus gave her to me on his death, yet she continues without fail, without hesitation, with no thought of her will."

"A shell, a body created to serve, does not have will. Aren't that right, Five?" Valor glared at Five, but Five had no reaction, but Valor probably expected nothing, continuing, "You can release her if you want..." Valor yawned.

I patted the robe around my pelvis. "I need her."

Valor raised her eyebrows at me. "Even against her will?"

I opened my mouth to rebuttal, but the words failed to manifest. This went beyond duty, for If I was right, Sandream would never forgive me, but I needed to live, I had to live.

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