We Begin

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a/n: there will be curse words, just saying.
OoOooOoOoooOhHhhhH I dO i dO I DOO- Blah blah blah, heLpleSss and shit. Yadda yadda yadda- oh! Here we go. Enjoy lambs!

"Uhm, h-hi." He stammered, tapping the pink-clad girl on the shoulder. She stopped her conversation and turned around. "Hello...? I'm sorry, do I know you?" She kept her composure on the outside, but internally, she freaked out. "He's gorgeous..." she thought, breathless. "Uhm, no. But, would you dance with me?" She blushed. "O-of course." They walked to the dance floor, arms in position for a waltz. Then, they both heard a new song come on and jammed like idiots. They eventually stopped moving enough to laugh hysterically at each other. Then, the formal music came on, and they drew closer to each other, blushing. "You strike me as a woman who has never been satisfied." She whipped her head towards him, blushing furiously. Even on her deep, lovely brown skin, the crimson color was prominent. "W-what?" Realization hit him, and then it was Alex's turn to blush. "No, not like that! I mean romantically, not, uhm, you know..." they both looked away, faces flushed with embarrassment. Then, they looked back at each other and burst out laughing. Then, Angelica's little sister, Peggy, came over. "Ange, Daddy wants to see you." She looked down sadly. "I-I have to go. May I dance with you again when I return?" Alex nodded. She turned to leave, but he stopped her. "Wait! What's your name?" "Angel- Angel. Yeah, Angel." If she told him she was a Schuyler he'd only want her for money. "And yours?" "Alexander." She nodded. "I'll be back," she said, walking away hurriedly. Elizabeth Schuyler had watched the whole thing, and she was furious. Alexander was a catch, and Eliza wanted him. And Eliza always gets what she wants. She walked up to him, expecting him to turn around and immediately fall. He didn't. "Oh. Hello." He said flatly. She batted her eyelashes. Nothing. Ugh! She put on her best timid look. "W-would you like to dance?" She said, giving him a shy smile and batted her eyes again. "Well, I am waiting for someone, but I suppose one dance couldn't hurt." Meanwhile, with "Angel" and Phillip... "Peggy said you wanted to talk to me?" Her father turned away from his colleague and faced her. "Yes, honey. I saw you dancing with that boy, and I have some news." She looked down. Since Angie was the oldest, she was supposed to marry for money, not love. She sighed. "Daddy, I know he's not rich but-" she was cut off by her father. "Angie. Eliza has agreed to be the one to marry for money. She said she always wanted a rich husband anyways, so you are free to marry the boy if you wish, my Angel." Angie's eyes lit up with excitement, but she tried to suppress it. Her father laughed. "Alright my little princess, you go get your prince." She hugged him tightly, pure joy being her only feeling. She ran back out to the dance floor, only to have the illusion that was her world shatter. Alex was dancing with Eliza. Liza wouldn't have approached him if she wasn't interested, and Eliza always got what she wanted. She swallowed as tears pricked her eyes, threatening to fall. She shook them away and walked up to Alexander. "Hello! I see you've met my sister." Alex's eyes went wide. "Wait, sister? But she said she was a Schuyler... oh! You're-" she nodded. "I thought you would change your view of me if you knew..." she said sheepishly. He blushed. "Never!" "I'm sorry Liza, but would you mind if I cut in?" Eliza's ears turned red, but Angie knew she wasn't blushing, she was getting angry. "Of course," she said through her teeth. Eliza would get her back for this. And Angie would regret it forever.

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