
13.5K 110 15

Begin. Ft.Wales by Shallou.

Melbourne, Australia

The sun was at the horizon and the water was reflecting it with a slight glimmer. The sun felt so nice and warm on my skin. This all I want, floating around in the ocean on a rented surfboard. It was getting late, I made my way back to the sandy shores. 

"Oye! Return the surfboard." someone yelled.

 Must be that teenager who was running the equipment rentals. I walked up to him and handed it to him. "Nobody's gonna run away with it! Easy sheriff." I said rolling my eyes. 

I put on my cover up and was walking away from the beach. I pulled out my phone from my satchel-8 missed calls from pops, 4 new voice messages,3text messages. definitely all from pops. 

Did I even introduce myself? Ah no I didn't. Sup! I'm Jared, I'm 19 and I never fucking learnt how to read(Pls get the reference).Okay, seriously, I am Natalie Periwinkle. 22 years old with not the slightest idea about what I'm doing with life. I went to university because my dad said if I wouldn't get education, he would stop funding my lifestyle. My schooling career is best left in the dark. 

My dad or pops as I like to call him, is a prominent name at liberty media. He loves cars, he loves speed and spent pretty much his whole life surrounded in the world of motorsport. In fact my parents met at a drag race!

 I however, have no interest in racing or any form of it. Maybe it's do with the fact family events were planned around formula1 race weekends. I swore that I would never get involved in this world yet here I am, in Melbourne, a  day before the start of a race weekend.

My father realized that I feel lost and instead of sending me to seek help like a normal parent would he decided it would be a good idea to send me on a journey. He got me an internship at  Formula1 hospitality. 

So for this year, I will be hopping around like a nomad, following a sport I know nothing about. I was reluctant at first but then I was bribed with a three day vacation before my job begins. I'm a sellout. I bought it. and now my vacation comes to an end and my job starts tomorrow. 

I called up my pops "Hey kiddo! What have you been up to? I called you up so many times."

"I noticed pops! Today marked the end of my three day bribe, so I went out to the beach to surf one last time but I couldn't catch any waves so I just floated around on the board."

"Sounds fun! But aren't you excited about starting your job tomorrow?" 

"Yay." I said sarcastically.

 I told him about how vague my job description was, it just needed me to be present at the paddock at all times and be present at the hospitality center when summoned; seems easy enough. I asked my old man about how he had been doing and what his plans for the day were.

I collapsed onto my bed. Today had been good. I showered and changed into a pair of baggy shorts and an oversized shirt, ya know baggy clothes are must when you have to go eat a meal, it helps accommodate your body after all the food you're going to eat. I was walking in the hotel lobby .

"Awe man! I thought I was making a fashion statement until you decided to show up in the same outfit mate!"  A husky voice said. 

I turned around to see a man, wearing a big toothy smile, there was just something about it, It was adorable. I enquired," Are you talking to me?" 

"Yeah! look at what you're wearing! It is literally what I'm wearing!"

 I scanned him head to toe, Curly head of hair, Warm eyes, cheeky grin. Focus Nat! yes indeed we were wearing the same outfit, white crewneck tee, black baggy jersey shorts and Vans old skools. 

I laughed and was about to say something when someone  yelled "Daniel! We have to check in" his grin faded for a second, he pursed his lips and raised his Eyebrows giving me an apologetic look. I mouthed a quick It's okay and walked off.

Gosh he was good looking! I'll see him around...Hopefully. The food was delicious, I ate way too much and I couldn't stop thinking about that cute stranger. 

I sat in the balcony of my room looking at the moon and just pondering about my day when my phone buzzed, It was a text message from my pops "Natalie Periwinkle, Go to sleep. You have a job now, the moon can wait." I let out a little chuckle and then sent him an okay message. 

After one good stretch and multiple yawns I decided it was time to go to bed. I laid down a neatly pressed white  shirt and black pants on the chair before heading to sleep. I closed my eyes and hoped to fall asleep but the stranger or Daniel's face lingered around. Please be kind to me! I need my sleep. Fighting off all the thoughts, I fell asleep at last.

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