Chapter two

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Bakugou made his way to the cafeteria only to see a few other people already standing there.

He scanned the room and his eyes immediately lit up only to downcast when he realized the space suit he was looking at was the wrong shade of green and there was a pink rubber flamingo on their head instead of a leaf.

'I guess he left already.' Bakugou thought as he walked towards the table in the center of the room. He looked at the round table and noticed a big red button in a glass case that read emergency.

"That button is to only be pressed if you come across something strange and out of place on the ship." Bakugou turned his head to see someone wearing a dark blue space suit and goggles.

"Though you would already know that if you came to the meeting when we first arrived." "Whatever I was...busy." Bakugou mumbled not wanting to talk about the weird creature that attacked him thinking that it was just some dumb dream.

"Riiiight. Well here!" The boy in the blue suit said and handed Bakugou a piece of paper and a communicator used specifically for voting and texting it also has a built in map of the ship. "These here are all the task you need to get done. I suggest that you mark them off as you finish them. It's the most efficient way to do things!" The boy said while making chopping motions at the piece of paper.

"Whatever." Bakugou grumbled as he walked away from the boy. His stomach growled again making him grab onto it. 'Fuck why am I so hungry all of a sudden?' He thought as he walked into the weapons room seeing no one around him.

He looked down at his task list and saw a task that read clear asteroids. He looked back at the window only to see empty space. "There's no point of doing this if there's no asteroids." He grumbled to himself and kept walking.

"I wish I knew where he went." Bakugou mumbled to himself referring to the greenette he meet earlier. He walked down the corridor and turned his head when he saw the color green from the corner of his eyes.

He frowned when he realized it was the lime green space suit again. 'Ugh, why couldn't they have picked a different color.' Bakugou thought as he walked over to the person in the lime space suit with a rubber flamingo on their head.

"*Ribbit* hi there!" The girl said when she noticed Bakugou approaching her. "What are you doing?" Bakugou questioned as he pointed at the control panel in front of the girl. "Oh I'm realigning the ship. It's really easy *ribbit*" The girl told him and proceeded to carefully readjust the ships steering.

"All done! Do you have a task here?" The girl asked as she took out her task list and a green marker from her pocket. "I guess I have some in this general area." Bakugou mumbled as he stared at the girl getting more and more hungry the longer he stared at her.

"*Ribbit* I can help you with your task if you want." The girl said as she shook the green marker trying to get it to work. "Oh come on why isn't this thing working." She mumbled as she tried to cross out her task with the marker. Bakugou grabbed his stomach when he felt it rumble again. 'Fuck I need to eat something now.' Bakugou thought as he looked back at the girl. A smirk spread across his face as he brought his tongue up to lick the top of his lips.

"Finally! *Ribbit*" the girl cheered when she got the marker to work. "Okay so what was your tas- AHHHHH!"

Bakugou used his thumb to wipe away the blood on the corner of his mouth. He looked down at the girls bloody body and then back at his own blood covered hands.

"Why the fuck did I just do that..."

Bakugou asked himself as he slowly backed away from the dead body. Bakugou then winced and grabbed his head as he felt a sharp pain in his skull.

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