Finally Reunited

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A light sunlight blinds me as I slowly open my eyes. I groan slightly, looking the other way to avoid the light. Aside from the sunlight, I'm also greeted by pain, realizing I feel asleep at my desk. I slowly put my hands on my desk, pushing myself up, pushing my chair back in the process. "Damn, my back," I say as I stretch my back.

I look down at my desk, seeing page after page of different sketches and a few with color. I neatly push them all into a stack, and place it to the side. I raise my hands up into a cup and over my mouth, breathing some hot air to warm them up. I look into the mirror, putting my hair up. Looking at my outfit, I'm wearing a slightly baggy, plain, light gray shirt, and some black sweatpants.

I turn around, going to my bed, laying face first into my pillow. After a moment, I drew a spell to bring my scroll to me, deciding to see if Boscha wanted to hang out today.

Amity: "Hey, Boscha"

Boscha: "Hey, what's up?"

Amity: "Just wanted to know if ya wanted to hang out today, maybe go to the market"

Boscha: "Sure, I'm up for that"

Amity: "Great, meet at 12:00?"

Boscha: "Good for me, cya then"

Amity: "Cya"

I look at the time; 8:30. I mumble to myself the time before laying my head back into the pillow, mentally preparing myself to get up.

After a moment, I push myself up with my arms, doing downwards-dog for a second before jumping my knees forward, close to my chest, allowing me to easily get off my bed. I sit at the edge of my bed, getting up, when I hear a soft meow, looking over I see my cat, standing at my window; a black cat, with red at the tips of their ears and tail. Small dark gray wings, which allowed them to climb up walls more easily, and a single white horn on their forehead. "Hey, Fluper" I say, now happiness filling my voice.

"Meow," I walked over to him, gently scratching behind his ear, giving a small pur in response. Fluper gently nuzzles into my hand, which causes my ears to go down slightly with enjoyment, and a small aww to escape my mouth.

"As much as I wanna pet you forever, I also got to make breakfast," I say slowly, taking my hand away, and turning away and heading towards my door. I notice that Fluper is following me as I open the door, a small smile appearing on my face.

I head out of my room and make my way to the kitchen, noticing that my siblings aren't there, which I was quite glad for. I decide to make myself some pancakes. As I start, Fluper sits down on a stool and slowly curls up into a small ball. Once I finish making the pancakes, I start eating, enjoying the peace while it lasts.

"Mittens!", and there goes the peace I had. I groan looking over at the direction of the noise, it was Edric, Emira standing right next to him.

"What cha eating?" Emira said.

"Panpaks," saying with my mouth full. I swallow to give a proper response, "Pancakes".

"Make us some?" Edric said

"Obviously not," I said looking back down at the food.

"Damn, cold" Edric responded. "Anyways, doing anything later?"

"Yah, gonna hang with Boscha," I said before taking my last bite of food. I get up, putting my dishes into the sink.

"Okay, me and Edric are gonna invite some friends over, they should leave at about 5". Emira said, I nodded in response.

"I will leave at about 11:30," I say walking back to my room.

I pull out my scroll looking at the time; 9:15, which I slightly mumble back to me. I then unlock my scroll, realizing my homepage wallpaper has changed. I stop dead in my tracks, looking at my new wallpaper, one of Luz, holding a peace sign, with a huge smile across her face. I smiled for a moment, then confusion filled my brain wondering how it changed. I realized that I couldn't quite remember what I did last night so I either did it out of sorrow, or it was another 'joke' from my siblings. I put away my scroll, a small sigh escaping me, as I continue to my room.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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