Part 6

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Kate and I didn't talk for weeks, the reason she was mad was really ridiculous. I also hadn't talked to Louis in awhile and by that I mean like 3 days. I actually figured out I like him but I don't know how to tell him, I know Olive also likes him so I'm not sure how she would react. Probably go mental seeing as she's Olive herself.
I am currently getting better at Embroidery! Thanks to Louis's help, without him I would literally be the worst at it. Move that aside, the Great Ball is in two days! But the bad news is, I don't have date. I mean it's not terrible and dreadful news but it's fine.


"Hello Amara" Louis walks up to me while saying that.
"Hello Louis" I was reading a book, so I didn't look up.
"So Amara, I was wondering if you had an escort to the Great Ball? He asked nervously, rubbing his neck and fiddling with his hands.
"No I don't" I smiled at him,
"Why?" I question
"Could I possibly escort you to the, Great Ball? He was blushing and really nervous.
"Of course" I say with a huge smile on my face and my answer bought the exact same to his.
"Well" he said slapping the side of his legs as a sign of relief
"See you at the Great Ball? Or tomorrow?" Louis questioned
"Yes, stop being so nervous" I chuckled at his reaction
He nods and couldn't think of anything to say, so I spoke up because it was quite awkward.
"See you tomorrow Louis" I laugh and walk away, with a huge smile stuck on my face.


I was in the bathroom and of course, Olive walks in. I do ever so wonder why she comes here all the time, I try to leave but she stops me. Ugh!

"So, I heard you're going to the ball with Louis?" She questioned suspiciously
"Yes" I start of slowly
"Stay away from" she snaps at me
"He's mine" She had a furious face on while saying that.
"No, he asked me. Just stop, find another date you are pretty and multiple boys want to go with" I say really angrily
"Well, stay away from him, or I'll hurt him" She was close to my face
"W-what no don't do that" I was scared and angry
"Then don't talk to him, go to the ball with him and talk to him" She demanded angrily.
A tear was running down my face while I nodded and walked out of the bathroom.

As I was sitting in embroidery I felt someone's eyes on me, I look to see it's Louis. I give him a soft smile meanwhile Olive gave me a death glare. I quickly remove my smile and turn away.


As I was sitting down reading, I hear Kate's voice in front of me.
I really hope she's not still angry which is unlikely.

"Hey Amara" She said with guilt in her voice.
"Hello Kate" I look up from my book while greeting her.
"Look, I'm sorry for being mad at you over something so ridiculous." She apologises innocently and guiltiness in her tone of voice.
"It's fine Kate, I get it. I mean I would've want to you to tell me something before a boy." I chuckle and she smiles, happy she has her best friend back. I also, was really glad.
She walked away to go do some homework and my smile was still stuck on my face until Louis walked by. My smile left my face, but only by force not that I wanted too.

"Hello Amara" He stands in front of me  with a huge smile
I give him a nod and look back at my back feeling so bad.
"Hey" he says as he sits by me
"Are you okay?" He looked quite sad as to why I didn't respond to him
"Yes" I reply with cold and dull tone in my voice
"Did I do something wrong Amara?" He questions
"N-no" I quietly respond to the question
"Then why are you ignoring me? If I didn't do anything, then why be mad at me?" He asks all these questions with a tone of sadness and madness and I understood why.
"Look Louis, I'm sorry. I-I-I can't g-go to the ball with you anymore, I'm really sorry. But I know Olive is available" I had a tear running down my cheek as I felt terrible and horrible for the fact I had to do this.
He looked really upset and mad, I didn't blame him.
"Okay, well I best ask Olive. She probably won't back out" Louis stands up and walks away.


I really like Amara, I don't know why she would just back out she isn't like that. I guess that she doesn't feel the same and I guess Olive is the only choice.

I see Olive sitting in the little corner with a bunch of her friends. Here goes nothing.
I walk up to the group of girls and look at Olive.

"Hello Olive, I was wondering if you wanted me to be your escort to the ball?" I gently ask
Her face lit up with excitement
"Yes, of course!" She stood up and hugged me, I forced myself to hug her back.


I can't believe I actually did that, I feel so terrible.
Oh well, I have to wait until tomorrow I guess.



sorry for not updating, I am currently with some family I haven't seen in months :)))

EEKKKK TYYYYYY FOR ALL THE READS AND please vote :) if possible !

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