Part 4

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I woke up with my eyes, red and puffy.
I was crying so much last night, I didn't think this would happen.

Last night

I got some mail, saying it was from My Uncle, I took it out and read it and boy do I regret it.

Dear Amara,

I am sorry to inform you that, Aunt Susan has passed away. I'm so sorry, you and I both love(d) her very much with all our hearts but unfortunately, her time has come to an end.
She had illness she hid from us both.
I am so sorry Amara, I love you.



I was walking to class silently and deep into my thoughts. I can't believe it, one minute she was their and one minute she just isn't.
I felt a tear run down my cheek, I slid down the wall and start to cry in the hallway. I hear a voice, a girls voice.

"Look girls, little poor Amara crying". I look up and see Olive mocking me with Julia.
"Let's leave her to sulk even more shall we?" Olive recommends and they both leave.

I get up and walk to class tears still threatening to run down my cheeks, I sat down at my seat which was next to Kate, obviously.

"Why are your eyes so puffy? Are you okay?" Kate questions
"Y-y-yeah I'm fine, just tired" I quickly think of a lie.
I see Louis looking at me, like he knew I was lying, which I was.

Mrs Brown walks in and tells us we're going to be doing a presentation on Plants and Trees. (Idk that's the first that came to mind 😭)

Plants and Trees? Seriously, who doesn't know about plants and trees. Oh, dear lord, how much pathetic can this get?

"You will be working with a boy, that I have paired you up with." Mrs Brown tells us politely.

Ugh! Jinxed it.
Hopefully I'm not paired up with Louis.

"Amara Jones and Louis Partridge"
Jinxed myself again!
"Kate Reardon and William Ably"
Then the rest went on...blah blah blah.

"So everyone best get studying and I am sorry to announce that the Great Ball will be postponed till the end of the month"
I hear groans and some people complaining.
"Hurry up!" Mrs Brown snaps, and we all quickly get to studying.

"Wanna study outside?" Louis suggests
"No" I tell him coldly
"Are you okay?" He asks me, with a soft and worried look on his face.
"Yes, now let's just get to it I guess" We both go outside and sit down, we work in silence until I feel sharp pain hit my stomach.
I let out a groan as I'm holding my stomach, I must just be sick or something.
"Are you okay?" Louis questions.
I just give a small nod as my stomach pain continues sharpen even more.

I cannot possibly have my period, I already had it.

"Are you sure you're fine?"
"Yes I am fine Louis" I snap coldly at him
"You know you can talk to me right?" Louis tells me, aw he's so cute and sweet.

Stop it Amara!!

"Yes I do know Louis" I answer his question
"Well, tell me why you were crying this morning" He explains
"W-what do you mean? I wasn't crying" Trying to lie about it, but he's good at detecting lies.
"Stop fibbing Amara" He tells me
"Fine you really want to know?" I ask, I'm probably gonna regret telling him personal info, but I need to let it out.
He gives me a slight nod.
I sigh and start to tell him,
"My aunt died, she hid a sickness from my Uncle and I. She died two days ago and I don't know what to do" I let it all out and I feel a tear run down my cheek, Louis looks shocked because that stubborn girl he knew was actually hurting badly on the inside.
He pulls me into a hug and tells me
"You're strong, don't forget that. Your aunt is in a better place I promise you Amara" He explains in a sad tone of voice.
"Thank you Louis" I get up and leave.

Do I like him? Oh no, I do! I have a only known for a couple of days. I can't have feelings for a boy, not right now I best just ignore for now.


So I did it in the wrong order 😭💀
Credits for the idea: KehlynJP
It was meant to be the ignoring bit than the partner bit after that 😃
Oh well.

A/N: please vote :) I don't mind if you don't though <3

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