Part 3

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The dance practice was almost over and Mrs.Brown came up and announced:
"The boys will be staying here due to problems at their own school."
Some people groan, one of them being me and some people well, don't.

"Well, boys will be opposite the girls dormitories" Mrs.Brown announced, rather loudly.
"Dinner!" She shouts, and everyone instantly stands up and hurries to the dining room.

We were all sat at the table in silence, my arms on the table while the other girls were eating with a straight back and amazing posture.
My back hurts when I do that, so I don't even try. Two girls were laughing at my posture but I could really care less at this point.

"Ms.Jones, sit up" Mrs Brown snaps at me, and all eyes land on me.
"Sorry" I mumble but still sit like how I am currently.
"Ms.Jones sit up properly" She yells, but really loud.
I quickly sit up with good posture and continue to eat.

(This part isn't really interesting tbh lmao)
The Next Morning

I quickly got ready and dressed and hurried down to eat breakfast which was eggs and toast.

We had embroidery so I quickly went on to class and took my seat next Kate.
Another teacher was here today, Ms.Landon she is even more worse than Mrs Brown and more cruel.
I was struggling to do embroidery and she came up to me.

"You're doing it wrong!" She yelled
All eyes land on me and some people giggle.
"Sorry I'm not amazing" I yell back and that earned me a slap across the face.
People started to laugh while some didn't.
"Now, where were we?" Ms.Landon says in a polite voice and walks back to her desk slowly and calmly.
"Does it hurt?" Kate asks me quietly
"No" I reply quickly
She nods, and goes back to what she was doing.

A couple hours later

I was sitting down outside, reading a book named 'How we met' by Angelina Smith. It has beautiful designs and illustrations, I am currently on Chapter 14!

"Hey" I hear a voice say as they sit next to me.
"Hello Louis" I return the favour back.
"So, does it hurt?" He asks me, I assume he means the slap
"No" I reply with no tone in my voice
"Are you sure? It looks a bit red" The boy says softly, looking at the red mark on my face.
"Yes, I am very much fine. Thank you for your concern" I tell him, softly.
"Do you want me to help you with your Embroidery?" He asks me

Should I say yes!!?

"No" I snap at him
"You're just being stubborn" He chuckles.
"Whatever" I snap at him
"Please, let me teach you." He pleads
"Love me that much?" I mock him
He slightly chuckles
"Well, see you tomorrow I guess" He says, standing up, and then he left.


Credit to KehlynJP for this idea!
There is still so more to this so yeah :)

Sorry it's not that good, I'm not even bothered 😭😭

Date: 28.09.20
Time: 8:37pm

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