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Just breathe.

I hold my hands up, focusing on releasing all the energy I don't need. White and blue mist rise from my hands, and with it a huge weight lifts.

"What, no electrocuting us?" Adeline peeked out from behind Luna.

"No, I somewhat found a way to release the energy in a calming way."

"Good! You're improving." Luna said making her way to the kitchen. "So, how about having a movie night, after the day we've had I think we deserve it."

"You have no idea." I laughed, "Come on Adeline, you and I can bring down blankets and pillows. Fei did you wanna help?"

She looked up from her phone a little surprised "Uh sure!"

The three of us went upstairs and grabbed all the blankets and pillows we could hold.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but I couldn't help but overhear your argument earlier. What happened to your parents?"

I couldn't help but look over to Adeline. Her mood instantly changed. I reached over and rubbed her back as I explained as simply as possible.

"We came back from a camping trip and found the house on fire. The government had found us. Mom and dad had us prepared. In a cave a mile away, they had put emergency backpacks filled with food, money and clothes."

Fei was quiet, probably didn't know what to say. I don't blame her, what do you say to someone who's parents most likely burned alive in their own home.

"I'm so sorry."

"Thank you. We still have each other so we'll be okay." I said pulling Adeline into a tight hug and giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

I'm so happy my sisters and I are close, if we weren't, we'd probably split up and be even more lost without our parents.

"Enough of sad stories, let's go watch this movie." I said grabbing the last pillow and leading the girls downstairs.

Once we got downstairs, Adeline and Fei set up the blankets while I placed the pillows on the couch and floor. Luna and Amber brought out snacks and a bunch of movies to watch. I had a good feeling we were gonna be watching all night, luckily I didn't work the next day.

I sat next to Luna and Amber on the couch with Amber in the middle.

"Fei come sit next to me!" Adeline offered kindly.

Fei was sitting in front of me on the floor and Adeline in front of Amber next to her.

Luna put in Frozen 2 before hopping back up onto the couch. Throughout the night we passed popcorn and candy around, and watched about three more movies, we pretty much pulled and all-nighter. Well, the three oldest did, Fei and Adeline fell asleep on movie two.

The three of us cleaned up all the popcorn and candy wrappers. Luna cleaned the bowls while Amber and I plucked up the girls to bring them to bed. After laying them down in bed we were about to go back down to finish cleaning when Adeline started to breathe heavily.

She's having another nightmare.

I know.

Amber gave me a concerned look before I headed over to her bedside.

Ever since the day our parents died in the fire, Adeline has had nightmares. It used to be every night, but it's not so bad now. As I sat next to her, I held her hand and closed my eyes to concentrate. I still needed more practice, but over the past few months I learned I can change people's dreams.

The car comes to a sudden stop, she looks up and sees the house on fire. I concentrate on the fire, making the flames bigger, changing the scene. We're all now sitting next to a campfire, and Dad comes over with the makings for s'mores. You can smell the burning wood coming from the flames and pine trees from the deep forest. You can hear Adeline's laughter when Dad drops his s'more on his shirt and mom smears hers in his face. He quickly throws her on his shoulder and tosses her in the lake. All of us girls look at each other before running up behind dad and shoving him in the water, too.

I open my eyes as I come back, Adeline's breathing is back to normal. I had started to change her nightmare to good dreams as soon as I found out I was able to do it.

After Amber and I went back down to help finish cleaning, the three of us headed back up to get ready for bed, taking turns brushing our teeth and changing before hopping into bed. Changing Adeline's dream had drained me, so it didn't take me long to fall asleep.

I woke up to the smell of waffles, bacon, eggs and coffee. Looking over to my right I saw that Amber was still asleep. She was always the last one up. I smiled and shook my head as I put on my slippers and made my way downstairs.

"Good morning Kristal, I figured you couldn't resist the smell of bacon so I got a plate ready for you, "Luna said, pointing to a plate next to Adeline.

"Thank you! What made you want to make a big breakfast?" I asked, taking my seat and enjoying my bacon first.

"Well, I thought it must have been a while since Fei had a real breakfast."

I looked past Adeline to see if Fei was hiding behind her but she wasn't.

"She's on the deck, she wanted to eat alone." Adeline said sadly.

"No one really wants to eat alone, let me go talk to her." I picked up my plate and went outside to join Fei.

"How are you doing, good breakfast isn't it? Luna learned cooking from our mom."

"Yeah it's good." She just moved some eggs on her full plate with a hurt look on her face.

I finished chewing the pice of bacon I had in my mouth before talking "You haven't eaten any of it yet."

She sighed setting her fork down next to her plate. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"Now that I don't have to keep running and watch my back, I actually have time to think and I've been thinking about how my parents were taken. I wasn't able to talk about it to my foster parents because the foster care just told them they were drug addicts because that's what the police told them. The government is picking us out one by one and the world doesn't even know." She sighed. "Sorry, I'm getting off track. We were at the park when I was ten. Mom and Dad wanted to get out of the house and I was playing with some of my friends. The park slowly became empty and before I knew it, it was just my family at the park. Guards swarmed in and took down my parents and took them into custody. I was put in foster care, and a few months later my foster parents took me in. When I was twelve, that's when they found out. An esper was on the loose so they wouldn't let me go anywhere. I was so mad that I accidentally burst all the pipes in the house. They both looked at me with such anger and hatred,I ran out the door and didn't look back. I've been on the run ever since."

She was quiet, a little tear falling down her cheek.

Poor girl

I reached over and wiped the tear away. "You can talk to any of us if you need to. You know our story. It's a lot like yours. You're not alone anymore and you will find your parents."

She reached over giving me a hug "Thank you."

We looked over as Luna came out "Alright you two, finish your breakfast then it's time for training."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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