Got away

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That was a close call though.

I know Jessie, you've said it only ten time.

I'm just saying! Oh by the way, can you stop and get a movie?

No, I almost just got caught and I need to find out how to control the glow..

Ugh fine, you're no fun, I'm going to talk to Amber.

Have fun.

I turn on the radio to pass the drive by and roll my windows down for fresh air. Feeling the wind on my face is relaxing and helps me calm down. I feel calm enough to release extra energy without causing an electric explosion. With no cars near by I reach my hand out the window letting the energy flow back through the air, leaving a white with a hint of blue trail.

I didn't get too far before I'm suddenly stuck in traffic. Guards are checking every car, for Fei most likely. There are two lanes, I'm in the left, and there are two guards in each lane but they are holding some weird scanning device.

"You're clear." I over hear the Guard talking to the person in front of me.

Are they scanning for Esper's? If so, there is no way I'm getting away now.

The car pulls away and I'm next.

Think fast!

"Hi miss, sorry for the delay, new protocols are being taken. More Esper's on the loose, I hope you don't mind."

"Not at all sir."

He lifts up the scanning device to my forehead as if taking my tempter but before he can press the button the on in the right lane buzzes.

"Get out of the car!"

The guard and I both look over to the guy with black short styled hair in the car next to mine.

"You can go miss!" He dismissed me before rushing to the car beside mine.

The guy in the car is instantly cuffed and dragged out of his car, but he doesn't give up, putting up a fight he freezes the cuffs and shatters them.

Ice powers, nice.

All the guards point their tasers at him shouting "Get on the ground!"

He slowly goes on his knees with his hands in the air.

You're seriously giving up already!?

I couldn't just let him be taken away, so just as the guards are about to tase him I make the electricity from the tasers backfire on the guards. They lay on the ground in pain, but the guy instantly looks at me surprised. I mouth "Good luck" before taking off. I hope I bought him enough time to get away and with out anyone knowing it was me. Its the least I could since he saved my butt with out even knowing it.

The rest of the drive home is short. Once I pull up into our driveway I turn off the car, go to the back and takeout everything.

"Amber you know you can't sneak up on me." I say turning around and closing the car door behind me.

Her purple silhouette got brighter as she reappeared. "I can try, did you need help?"

"Could you just grab the pillow for me, my arms are a little full?"

"Of course." She took the pillow from my arm. "So what took you so long to get home?"

"That is a story for everyone, I can tell you when we get inside."

"Okay." Amber took her keys and let us in.

We walked down the hall and towards our apartment. As we were going to go in we were greeted by little Skip, a black and white husky puppy with bright blue eyes.

"Hey Skip, how are you!?" I said putting my things down petting him, Amber put the pillow down and joined me. He wagged his little tale so fast it was a blur and was jumping all over us.

"Hello ladies!"

"Hi Mrs. Miller, how is your day?" Amber asked

"I'm doing good, I'm just about to take skip on a walk." she stops in her tracks. "I do have a question though."


"Since I'm not getting any younger and my time is coming soon, I don't have any family close, when I'm gone would you girl take Skip?"

I stood up suddenly giving Skip one last pet. "Of course we can but please don't think about that Mrs. Miler."

She nodded in thanks before putting skip on a leash and headed outside.

Amber turned to me as soon Mrs. Miller was out of ear shot. "Its so sad her husband passed away a few months ago."

"It's good she has Skip to keep her company though."

We pick up our things and head in the apartment. As Amber closed the door behind us I brought the pillow and blanket to Adeline's side of our bedroom and Amber brought the snacks into the kitchen. Luckily we already had air mattresses from when we didn't have beds yet because, well you know. The mattress was already blown up so I just placed the blanket and pillow on top of it and made the bed for Fei.

"So are you gonna tell us what happened?" Amber asked as I made my way down stairs.

"Yeah, why did it take you so long to get home." Luna asked with a parent tone to her voice...scarry

Krystel stop it


Once everyone was in the Livingroom I told them everything. The employees at Kohls talking about Fei and the Guards and officers stopping me on my way to my car, and finally the guards stopping traffic just to check for Esper's. Also told them about the guy next to me saving my butt and then how I returned the favor.

Amber turned to me asking "Were both guys, one at Kohls and in the car cute?"

"Yeah a good 8/10 on the Barry Allen scale."

"Their technology is getting better." Luna interrupted us getting back on topic.

"And they are not gonna stop till they find me." Fei continued after Luna. "Are you sure its okay for me to stay here?"

"Fei we are not gonna let you live on the streets and have to fight for your life." Luna paused "Krystel was right earlier, we struggled to start over, we didn't have any other family to help us and we are not gonna let that happen to you. All we ask is for you to help with some chores."

"Of course, its the least I can do!"

Everyone stopped and turned to me a little in shock and Adeline screamed "NO!" running behind Luna.

"What?!" I asked so confused.

You're hands

I looked at my hands and guess what, they are glowing again, but brighter this time.

I'm tired of this bull sh-


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