Anniversary Special - Simon Says

Start from the beginning

Jaehyun hadn't told him where they were headed and whose house was throwing the party. As they turned off the freeway onto a neighbouring road, they continued down the strange streets he wasn't the least bit familiar with. The street lights barely illuminating the path made the younger switch the brightness of the headlights up to it's maximum level.

Soon the road became narrower, the houses more scarce and more trees enclosing around them. Taeyong turned to look through the rear windshield to see where they had come from but was only met by the darkness of the night. He glanced at Jaehyun who had been silently driving down the street but when he became aware of the olders gaze he gave a quick glance his way. "Baby, you okay?"

Taeyong fixed himself back into the seat and stared ahead again. "Yeah, I'm just wondering where we're headed. You never did tell me whose house it was." The older stated, his voice as low as a whisper.

"Ah, I didn't? I actually have no idea whose house it is. I was given the directions." The younger replied. The road became more bumpy as they had come to the end of the paved road onto a more gravelly terrain. Taeyong hummed in response, trying not to let his mind wander. Jaehyun could sense the apprehension in Taeyongs attitude. With his free hand, he extended it to ruffle the olders hair. "Don't worry, it'll be fun." He assured to which Taeyong calmly sighed.

It'll be fine, right?

As they traveled further and further down the path, Taeyong glimpsed the roof of a house as it peeked through the tall trees occasionally as they drew closer to where they were headed.

Minutes later they pulled up in front of a shabby cottage, decorated with lanterns and light up Halloween decorations in the shapes of a ghost and cartoon monsters. The building itself was squeezed by darkness which Taeyong assumed was surrounding forest.

There were a few cars parked at various places on the large piece of land and he could see some people heading inside, while standing by the door was a girl dressed up as a witch handing out what looked like pieces of paper.

When the engine went dead and the added light from Jaehyuns headlights had been cut off, the place seemed even more eerie than before. All that provided light were the decorations and the single lantern seated at the doorframe. If Taeyong didn't know already that this had been a party, he would've assumed it was some sort of secret cult meeting.

Jaehyun stretched over, opening the glove box in front of Taeyongs legs to take out two flashlights he had stored. He passed one to Taeyong who flickered it on immediately then held it under his chin, shining a light on his face. Jaehyun chuckled at the childish behaviour then stretched over the older to open his door. Taeyong opened it further, stepping onto the grassy surface and Jaehyun followed suit.

Once they locked their doors they walked towards the stairs of the cottage. Taeyong shone his flashlight ahead of him into the grass as if keeping an eye out in case anything ran across. He climbed the steps to stand on the porch with the younger at his side. They stood in front of the girl he had noticed before and he came to recognize her as one of his schoolmates from another classroom.

She gave a witchy laugh before handing him a piece of paper and doing the same to Jaehyun. Although he found it very strange that she didn't utter a word he didn't bother to say anything, instead summing it up to her not wanting to break out of her persona.

Stepping aside, he held the paper up, shining the light on it to see what it said. It read the words 'scavenger hunt' in bold letters at the top and listed off several Halloween themed items to find. It was a sort of game like ispy or Simon says where it gave them directions to follow but not what they would find at those locations. It listed each item in a box at the end of the paper like a checklist. His anticipation grew and he couldn't wait to get started.

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