O9 - Good Thing

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It had been a few days since the move and Taeyong was now familiar with his neighbourhood and new school. He attended classes and often hung out at lunch time with Jaehyun and Johnny but now the three were also accompanied by Ten whom Taeyong had gotten much closer to.

They bonded over their mutual love of music and enjoyment of art, since they both liked to draw. Even though Ten is very filter free, Taeyong found him fun to be around. He admired how confident Ten appeared and hoped he too would be able to speak his mind and break free from his shell.

If it wasn't for Ten being so upfront they might not have gotten as close as they have, he made it much easier for them to get along.

It was currently afterschool which meant it was extracurricular time. Ten waited at Taeyongs last period so that they could walk together which he had been doing lately. It was also the reason why Taeyong knew the place so well. Ten had showed him ahead of Doyoung, being the fast-paced person he is.

"Hey Tae, hurry up!" Ten shouted while he leaned on the wall inside Taeyongs classroom.

Taeyong hurriedly packed his stuff in his backpack and with a swift move he hustled to exit the class.

"Sorry Ten. Let's go." He replied and they walked to the club room.

They entered the room and sat beside each other. Jaehyun arrived minutes behind them and sat beside Taeyong. They both exchanged glances.

"Okay guys as some of you already know. We'll be going on an overnight field trip to Cheonggyesan Mountain camping site to take pictures of wildlife in a few days." Said Johnny to the club members.

He was the photography section's president and Ten was for the art side.

Johnny began to pass around brochures of the camping site as well as the environmental project that they were participating in.

He continued "you'll be partnered up and that will decide who you'll share your tent with."

Everyone gestured they understood.

Taeyong flipped through the pages as he listened. He felt this was an exciting opportunity. He'd never been out camping before either and he had developed a love for photography lately.

"Our goal is to raise awareness of some of the wildlife and flora that needs to be protected." Johnny concluded. 

After the brief meeting everyone spread out to their regular spaces. Some students went to draw while others went to work on their photos by developing or enhancing them.

Taeyong decided he would test out his new camera which he bought recently after joining the club. He was still new to photography and tried to catch up with the concepts.

While he struggled with the different camera movements Jaehyun noticed and went over to help him.

"To pan you have to move it around but the base stays in one place." The taller boy said while he held the camera and demonstrated.

"Ah, okay" taeyong nodded while he looked through the camera lens and when he moved away and turned towards Jaehyun, he realized how close their faces were.

He stared at the boy who now browsed through the camera settings. Taeyong took in his features.

He's really handsome.

"Good thing I came over, huh?"

Taeyong didn't reply. Jaehyun turned his head to face taeyong and their eyes locked for several seconds.

Stuck In Place || JaeyongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz