17 - Jet Lag

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The following school week after the concert, Taeyong couldn't hide what happened between him and Jaehyun. Let's face it, he just isn't good at keeping secrets.

Ten found out immediately the day after. When at lunch, the two were stealing glances at one another and smiling to themselves while they ate their food. It was just too suspicious. Afterwards, Ten didn't spare Taeyong any time to come up with excuses and pestered him for details.

Today was the last day before the semester break. Taeyong was at his locker, organizing it. He took out some of his reading materials to get a headstart on some classes during the break.

As he was placing the last textbook into his backpack he heard someone call to him.

"Hey, Tae!" called Lucas.

Taeyong peeped sideways to see Lucas walking down the hall towards him and waving.

"Oh, hey Lucas" he smiled briefly then continued his focus to his books that werent aligning properly in his backpack.

After fixing them neatly he then locked his locker and turned to the younger boy who now stood before him.

"What's up? Were you looking for me?" Taeyong questioned, staring up at the bigger boy.

"Yeah, I was gonna ask if you were coming to the football game today."

"Oh, that was today? When is it?"

"Its going to start soon, on the field. You should definitely come"

"Uhm.... sure, even though I know nothing about sports" Taeyong scratched his head and smiled shyly making lucas laugh.

"Oh! By the way, thanks again for going along with the plan. It totally worked man! Jungwoo has been messaging me since." Lucas interjected.

"Oh, really? That's great! He was definitely annoyed by the pictures I sent." They both chuckled and smiled broadly at the thought.

"He's so cute when he's mad. Also, I think the plan worked way better than expected."

"Why do you say that?" The older boy asked while arching his eyebrow.

"By the look on that guys face" lucas laughed and lifted his chin in the direction behind Taeyong.

Taeyong turned his head to see Jaehyun slowly heading his direction. He had a hard look in his eyes. Taeyong thought he looked very hot.

"Anyway, please do come. See you later" lucas said before departing and hurriedly passing Jaehyun in the opposite direction.

Jaehyun glanced at lucas as he veered alongside him with a smile planted on his face. His gaze then softened as his eyes landed back on the older boy.

"What did that guy want?" Jaehyun asked as he met taeyongs side, staring down at the other.

"Jaehyunie, lower your voice"

Taeyong quickly glanced around them to make sure no one was paying them any attention.

"What did he want, Tae?" The younger boy questioned again but in a softer tone.

"He just wanted to invite me to watch the football game later, that's all"

"Hmm... okay. Tell me if he asks you to do something weird, okay?"

Taeyong grinned at Jaehyun who then became flustered.

"Are you mocking me, Lee Taeyong?"

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