Chapter 13: Stain

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  He approached the killer, taking capture tape out of his belt, his hands shaking trying to control his bloodlust.

  Izuku, Tenya and Native exited the alleyway dragging a bound Hero Killer behind them.

  Tenya was shamefully silent, and Native was thanking Izuku for his aid.

  Izuku, still shaking, waved his praise away.

  "I just did what I thought was right. I don't need to be thanked for doing the right thing." He smiled.

  A shiver ran down his spine.

  *The emergency supply wasn't enough.. I'll be okay for another half an hour at best..*

  A crowd of heroes ran down the road.

  "Look out!!" They yelled.

  Izuku looked around, only noticing the winged Nomu two seconds too late.

  The Nomu grabbed Izuku by the shoulders, carrying him into the air, leaving a bloody trail behind it from a wound in it's side.

  Izuku looked up at the beast, a hungry grin flashing his fangs.


  Stain leaped upwards, using his quirk to paralyse the Nomu. He pulled out a concealed blade, plunging it into the Nomu's brain, twisting it to kill the beast instantly.

  Stain grabbed Izuku, gently lowering him to the ground once they hit the road.

  Endeavour arrived running behind the heroes, Todoroki beside him.

  "What's going on? Did you see the beast come by?" He bellowed.

  Stain looked at Endeavour, malice glowing in his eyes.

  "ENDEAVOUR." He bellowed. "You false hero!"

  "STAIN!" Endeavour said.

  "I do this to make a more just society.. to make the title HERO mean something again! There are only two who can kill me! ALL MIGHT, AND THIS BOY ARE WORTHY!!" Stain yelled.

  The heroes all stepped back, the force of his aura terrifying every one of them.

  "Come on then!" Stain said, taking a step forwards. "Come and get me you fakes! Just try and-"

  "Hey!" Izuku said.

  Everyone looked at him in surprise.

  Izuku's bloodlust made him angry.

  "You don't get to decide who's worthy! As long as lives are saved, then anyone can be a hero, no matter their reason for doing it!"

  Stain glowered at him.

  "Silence boy, you have no idea-"

  "I have a perfect idea! Every single hero out there has saved a life! If they can do it again, then let them! Heroes are people too! They make mistakes. They're greedy. But in the end, no matter what, they will save another life! They inspire the next generations to want to help too! People can have many reasons for wanting to be a hero! I'm primarily a hero to save others, and make people smile! But I am also a hero to show the world that 'villainous quirks' are only villainous when used for evil!"

  Stain tried to speak, but Izuku swept his hand in a chopping motion.

  "A friend of mine wants to make everyone happy, but she also wants to make money to give her parents a better life! I assume that she would be someone you want to kill?" He asked.

  "If it is a selfless act then no, b-"

  "Really stain? If all you knew was that she wanted to make money, not why, would you have said the same thing? Would you?"

  Stain grit his teeth, his eyes lowered.

  "No. I would have killed her without hesitation.."

  Izuku growled, fury ablaze in his eyes.

  "I don't believe you should be the judge, jury or executioner then, Hero Killer. Your name is quite fitting. You're just a Stain on our society, about to be wiped away."

  Stain was restrained by Best Jeanist, who arrived to aid in the Hosu disaster, and taken away. Katsuki walked with Izuku back to the heroes.

  "Damn nerd, that was.. intense. You okay?" He asked.

  Izuku was starting to lose it.

  "Didn't eat.." he said.

  Katsuki's eyes widened.

  "Fuck. Uh.. okay, gimme a second." He said.

  Katsuki took his grenade gauntlet off, pulling the glove from his hand too. He raised his forearm to Izuku.

  "Are you sure? Once I start I'm not going to stop."

  The heroes looked confused.

  "It's better than having you go feral on all our asses." Katsuki said.

  Izuku hesitated a second more before clamping his jaws onto his friends arm. Katsuki winced, but didn't make any noise.

  The heroes started in surprise, reaching forwards to intervene, but Katsuki raised his free hand, gesturing to them to stop.

  "Leave him be. Unless you want a pissed off killing machine set on you, leave him alone. Izuku would be pretty annoyed too." He joked.

  After another 30 seconds Katsuki started to feel a little lightheaded. Izuku let his arm go, licking his lips.

  "That's much better. I hate being hungry." He said.

  Katsuki's arm stopped bleeding almost instantaneously.

  "Thanks nerd." He said.

  Izuku shrugged.

  "It's the least I could do. I just drained about half. You'll be fine in the morning." Izuku told him.

  "You injured?" Katsuki asked.

  "Nah. Stain didn't even scratch me."

  "Let's go help the civilians then."

  "You read my mind."

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