"Like the stage pictures." She said. "When daddy sings."

"Yeah, daddy's concerts. And here's me. This is so pretty baby, can I keep it on my nightstand?"

"Yes you can." She sweetly said. "But be careful with it."


She helped Harry fluff up our pillows before joining my parents back downstairs to tell them about any and everything on her mind.

"Isn't she just the cutest little cockblock?" Harry snickered and I tossed a pair of his underwear at him. "How am I ever supposed to impregnate you with her popping in every few minutes?" He puckered his lips and leaned in for a kiss but I turned my head for him to kiss my cheek. "Baby," He whined. "Are you going to make me wait until the plane?"

"I'm going to make you wait until we get to our resort." I gently patted his chest. "Where we're alone and we can make all of the noise we want... Pack the handcuffs." I turned to walk away from him and he muttered something under his breath before heading into our closet to get them.


"I don't understand this math, mum." Edward complained. "And I don't want to be benched but coach said if I don't get my grades up, I won't be able to play in our next game."

"Patience, love. I'm going to help you." I said. "Just give me a minute." I lifted Ava up and placed her on the counter, trying to shush her cries after she tripped outside and scrapped her knee. "Baby, it's okay." I took a paper towel and dapped at the scrap. It wasn't bleeding but she won't stop crying. "Do you want a bandaid?"

"No, no, no." She whimpered.

"It's not going to hurt you." I assured. "You knee is going to feel better. Just sit down on the couch with grandma for awhile with this ice pack and it won't hurt anymore." I got her one of the ice packs from the fridge and she shook her head, reaching for me to hold her.

"I want daddy."

I hiked her up on my hip and carried her down to the basement where Harry was writing. The tiny light wasn't on so he wasn't recording anything. I opened the door and Harry looked at the two of us, no questions asked as he reached for Ava and whipped her tears.

"It's okay princess, daddy's here." He kissed her forehead.

"But... big girls aren't supposed to cry." She whined.

"Big girls and boys can cry, love. Daddy cries sometimes when he's really sad." He explained.


"Yeah. You're still a big girl if you cry." He gently said.

I went back upstairs to help Edward with his homework but,

"Mum, have you seen my jeans? The ones I was wearing yesterday? I can't find them in my room and I think I put something in them that I need." Ethan said all in one breath.

"I washed clothes earlier, you can try looking in the laundry room." I said and he rushed past me to go find them.

I went back into the kitchen and took a seat next to Edward.

"Okay, so fractions.." I looked over his homework and tried to understand the equation. "We need to find a common denominator of twelve and thirty six and then multiply the top numbers by the same thing. It should be easy to find since twelve is a multiple of thirty six." I explained. "If you look at the example, you can see how they multiplied two by ten to get twenty since this denominator is twenty and they multiplied the top by two as well."

"So I multiply by..." He wrote out a few numbers and then found the solution. "Three?"



Harry Styles Darcy Imagines Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now