welcome back, old friend

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You've been gone a long time,
You've been gone for a while.
You've been working real hard,
I guess that's just your style.

I knew you'd come back,
You wouldn't just leave me here.
Now let's pick up the slack,
Our time comes ever near.

We're here for the long haul,
So let's make it the best.
I had nothing at all,
But now your back here to rest.

Welcome back, old friend,
It's good to have you here.
It was almost the end,
All I had was fear.

And now I can awaken,
I don't have to fight.
I will not be shaken,
At first amaranthine light.

And you'll be there to guide me,
Through every oath I take.
Footsteps lilting finely,
A new path to make.

And will you be with me,
Old friend of mine?
Whose spirit young and timely,
To keep us in line.


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