Chapter 4

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Jessica woke up the next morning and saw Paul lying next to her with his arms wrapped around her waist. Jessica had blushed and the thought back to last night. Jessica got out of Paul's arm and got a shirt from his dresser and put in a pair of underwear and his shirt on. She left and went to the kitchen to cool pancakes, eggs and bacon. As she was cooking she felt arms wrap around her waist. "Good morning" Jessica said. "Morning" Paul said. "So last night's talk you finally ready to stop feeling guilty from what happened 3 years ago" Jessica said. Paul nodded into her neck. "I can get used to this" Paul said. "Waking up to you and watching you cool breakfast in my shirts every morning" Paul said kissing her neck. "I can get used to it too" Jessica said. "What about having kids" Paul said. Jessica was taken back from this question. "Wait do you want to have kids" Jessica asked. "I do want to have kids" Paul said. "Wait where is this coming from" Jessica asked. "I had a dream that I was chasing a little girl around our house and you came out of the house with a swollen stomach. You were pregnant with another baby and when I woke up the dream felt so real to me" Paul said. Jessica continued cooking their breakfast but smiled when she felt Paul put his hand on her stomach." what are you doing" Jessica giggled." nothing" Paul said. Jessica smiled at the thought of having kids.
~ day of the vampire army fight~
Jessica outfit/hair/ make up

 ~ day of the vampire army fight~ Jessica outfit/hair/ make up

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Hope was staying with Billy

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Hope was staying with Billy. Jessica was standing with Hayley, and Klaus waiting for the vampire army. Once she saw them coming she and Hayley and Klaus jumped out and fought against the army.
~After the fight~
The wolf pack, and the Cullens and the hybrids won the fight. Jacob had gotten hurt from a newborn trying to attack Leah. "Oh Jake" Jessica said. The pack carried Jacob to Billys house. As soon as they got to Billy's house they had waited outside as Jacob was getting his bones rebroken. Jessica and Hayley stood next to each other worrying for the safety of their little brother. Soon Bella truck pulled up. "Hey is..." Bella said but was cut off by Jacob screaming. "They need to hurry I need to see him" Bella said. "Bella you can't" Embry said. "YES I CAN" Bella yelled making Jessica look at Bella with a glare and hybrid face. "Wait if my brother wants to see you we will tell you but if he doesn't then you can get the hell of our property" Hayley said. Bella grew scared of the twins. Carlisle came out. He said that Jacob was fine and that he wanted to see his sisters. "What about me" Bella said. "He doesn't want to see you" Carlisle said. Bella sighed then nodded and left. Jessica and Hayley went inside. "Hey baby bro" Jessica said. "Hi what happened" Jacob asked. "Bella wanted to see you but we told her to wait" Hayley said. "I kind of am over Bella. I mean I am her friend and such but I don't like her like that anymore"Jacob said. Both the twins smiled. Soon all three fell asleep. Hayley and Jessica slept in their brothers bed with Jacob in the middle. Everyone went inside to see if they all were okay. They smiled at the three siblings asleep on the bed.

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