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we are like a snowflake all different in our own beautiful way.



December 20th, 2000

THE crisp air hit Dakota's rosy cheeks as she let out a small giggle as her pink fuzzy glove covered fingers played with a small snowball she had just formed as she played on the quiet corner of the playground by herself, lost in her own imaginative world.

"Alright kids, time to head inside!"

The sudden sound of feet stomping and crunching against the snow covered playground and Dakota's teacher, Mrs. Hopkins, called all the kids to come line up and to carefully come to her to prevent them from falling as their screams, squeals, and giggles filled the outside air.

After a few more seconds of waiting, Mrs. Hopkins adjusted her large glasses on her face and squinted as she looked at all the kids in a -- obviously halfway decent -- line before laughing to herself and hugging herself closer in her puffer jacket as she looked down at the line leader, Timothy Scottinsdale.

"Timothy, is everyone in line?"

"Yes, Mrs. Hopkins."

Mrs. Hopkins nodded and gave the kids all a glance over before leading them back into the building -- all while Dakota remained wrapped up in her own little world as she continued to play with the snow and enjoy the peace and quiet.

That was until she slowly started to hear the sound of snow crunching from behind her that started to grow louder which made her whip her head around and see the blonde haired boy stand before her and sniffle and wipe his cherry red nose and adjust his dark blue and black striped beanie before walking closer to Dakota.



"You're the new kid."

"Mhm..." Dakota drags out as she scoots a bit to her right as the boy watched her coward away for a second as she started to run her gloves over the snow and avoid eye contact which made him sit down next to her and leave some space.

"I'm Theodore, but I told my dad to start calling me Theo."

"Theo sounds nice..."

"Mhmm..." Theo started to mock as he watched Dakota drop the snowball from her hands and watch it break apart in a random pile of snow which made Theo watch her start to scatter it and continue to avoid eye contact. "You don't talk much."

"My daddy told me about talking to strangers."

"Strangers? I'm not a stranger, I'm Theo."

Dakota found herself letting out a giggle as she saw Theo's face scrunched up in confusion as he went to run his bare fingers through the snow along with her as a silence fell over the two of them -- only for Theo to interrupt it. "What's your name?"

"It's Dakota."

"Isn't that a boys name?"

"I don't know...it's my name."

Theo paused for what seemed like forever before simply shrugging his shoulders and falling back onto the pile of snow behind him making his body slam with a soft thud as he spread his body wide and started moving his arms and legs up and down making Dakota watch.

"Make a snow angel with me."

Dakota didn't even have to think twice about Theo's proposition as she smiled wide and showed off her missing two front teeth and plopped down into the snow pile next to Theo and spread her arms legs just like Theo and glimpsed at him and saw his eyes closed as he smiled to himself and continued to move his arms and legs up and down.

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