Like A Couple (Hiro x Reader)

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"Titanium alloy is always the best way to go." You rambled on as you both walked through the San Fransokyo park, Tadashi trailing behind you and listening to your conversation about bot upgrades.

As Tadashi was admiring the cherry blossom trees that surrounded the pathway, his eyes almost immediately darted to the two of you in front of him.

He noticed Hiro intertwine his fingers with yours as you willingly grabbed his hand, your conversation going on as if nothing were happening. Hiro began to softly sway your hands back and forth whilst you continued to walk along the path.

Tadashi smirked at the sight of you holding hands while walking beneath the cherry blossom trees. Boy, did he wish he had brought a camera with him.

Talk about missed Kodak moment...

"Hey, you two." He said slyly before crossing his arms, catching both of your attentions.

"Hm?" Hiro said as you both turned to face him.

"Would one of you please explain why you're holding hands?" he pointed a finger at their connected hands.

Looking down, you both blushed before awkwardly letting go. You coughed into your hand as Hiro rubbed the back of his neck.

"Uh, well... We kinda do that a lot." Hiro answered. "Since we're best friends and all..."

"Y-yeah, I guess we just got used to it." you shrugged your shoulders and tried to avoid eye contact with them. That scratch on the sidewalk suddenly became five times more interesting...

"Huh, I've never seen best friends hold hands so casually like that. Well, if you want to look more like a couple than you already do, then carry on." Tadashi smirked as he strolled right past you, ruffling Hiro's hair in the process.

Once you were both alone, you stood there awkwardly for a few seconds before Hiro grabbed your hand again. You looked at him questioningly.

"Ignore him (Y/N), let's just get back to what we were talking about." he smiled at you. You smiled back at him before continuing your stroll across the park hand in hand.

From few feet away an old lady sat on the park bench. She smiled sweetly at your direction, though neither of you noticed. She chuckled softly to herself. "What a cute couple."

A/N: I literally just yanked this out of my personal collection of x readers that I make for myself.

And you probably didn't need to know I had a personal collection of those. But now you do.

This is exactly what I mean when I ask for requests. I'm desperate for ideas. So if you've got something cool in mind, hit me up. And you know, comment and vote and all that nice stuff. Because it actually encourages me to write.


- Numbuh424, over and out.

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