A/N: A Quick Thank You!

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A/N: Alright, before reading... *hands you a Baymax plushie* Okay, proceed.

Who knew this story would hit over 30k reads?

Definitely not me.

So I believe another cheesy author's note is in order.

I'm pretty sure many of you know that I try my very best to thank each and everyone of you individually for any kind of support you have ever given this book. Well, I'm writing this author's note to make my job just a little bit easier.

Thank you so very much to every single one of you for your comments, requests, votes, for following me, kind words, and whatever else. I'm even thankful to you silent readers out there who don't really make themselves known for some reason. Thank you for reading nonetheless.

I'd also like to give a very special thank you to those of you who regularly read, vote, and comment. Seeing those familiar names pop up in my notifications never fail to put a smile on my face.

Every single one of you are so kind and sweet and y'all are really just the best.

The last time I wrote an author's note, it was because this book had hit 4k back in February. Now I'm writing another one because it just passed 30k. Time flies pretty fast, huh?

There are a lot more things that I wish I could thank you for, but I feel this is cheesy enough as it is. And I don't like ending things with cheese.

Y'all are really awesome and that just makes my birthday so much better. *throws confetti in the air* Yeah, that was a lot cooler in my head.

So yeah, maybe we can do the same thing last time where I asked you what your favorite oneshot is so far. I really love reading your comments, especially since a ton of you are hilarious.

Well, time to go make some birthday cereal (and continue this little secret thing I've been working on lately, wink wink). Later!

- Numbuh424, over and out.

Edit (1 hour later...): I am such a dork. I forgot to include the coughextremelyrushedcough drawing I made. Welp, there it is.

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