My Mortal

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Autors Note: Hope you plebs awr enjoying reading r bootiful one shots. Me and Angie keep em comin -wonk-

Catra awoke from her cat sized coffin. It was black covered in lace. "Another dreadful day of rain", she muttered before putting on her leather pants and leather corset with all this lacy stuff in the front and back. She then put on black eyeliner as dark and black as her soul. She had to dress nice for her gofic girlfriend Hatred (she was Adora before but now we was gofic so she changed it).

She walked to the MCR concert that was being held in the fright zone. She met up with Hatred. They were ready to mosh so hard (if you don't get that your a prep!!!) they were half way through my fav song Helina, when the band took off their masks. And they were really....HOREDAK AND HIS CLONES!!! +entrapta. Both of them squeaked and ran to the whispering woods.

They were turned on by the fear, and began to make out. It was so hawt. And then Catra put her thingy into Hatred's you know what and they did it for the first time. Afterwards Adora sighed "that was great, but next time I want you to Vore me cat daddy".

A series of Catradora one shots Where stories live. Discover now