chapter five

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While the two boys were wrestling for the big room, I calmly closed the door, and began to walk. Very subtly, I walked past them, entered the biggest room, set my bags on the bed, and shut the door. It took them a while to realize that I had just taken what they wanted, and when they processed it, they stood speechless for a while, which only made me laugh.

They quickly accepted the fact that either way, I was going to win this argument, so they allowed me to change in peace.

It was only 2 o' clock in America, but over here, it was already 9PM. The event was set to start in exactly one hour and a half. That should give me enough time, I thought to myself.

Quickly, I stepped in the shower, rinsing my body as the water droplets fell upon my shoulders softly and rhythmically. I took a pretty long and unnecessary amount of time on my hair, as I applied and rinsed, and then repeated the same process over and over.

As soon as I stepped out the shower, I began to blow-dry my hair as fast as possible, hoping that it would remain straight like I wanted it to. That alone, took up around twenty minutes, and now, I only had fifteen to finish my make up. So I got on it, and may I say, for 15 minutes, I did a stellar job on my eyeliner and bright red lipstick.

Then, I scurried off, make up and hair done, and began to look for my dr- shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. I forgot about my dress. No. No. No. I began to run my hands through everything I owned and when I couldn't find anything, I threw the bag down on the floor and exhaled.

What the hell am I going to do?

But when I sat down on the bed to re-collect my thoughts, there was a rustling caused by me. I stood up immediately, careful not to let my towel drop to my ankles, and then, I saw it.

With a yellow sticky note that had a happy face on it and was signed by Ashton, there was a white dress, and it was totally perfect for the fashion show. Who knew that he had some sense of style in him?

The dress was by Balmain, a very famous stylist in the fashion world. My only problem with the dress is that the cleavage itself was extremely low, almost down to my belly button. But hey, it was a Balmain.

I put on underwear and zipped up my dress(with difficulty since the zipper was in the back) and then, I took the first pair of black heels I owned and placed them on my feet.

The dress up to my mid-thigh, maybe a little higher. The cleavage only stopped because it came in contact with the bottom part of the dress, which was a tight skirt-like bottom. Then the top covered my back, but not that much my front, as I have mentioned and there were no sleeves. I was so psyched to wear this dress.

I looked in the mirror one more time and let down my hair. It was absolutely perfect. My bum looked amazing and my slightly-ombre hair fell perfectly a little over my shoulders. I smiled, slipped some jewelry on, grabbed my clutch, and went outside.

My first instinct was to look for Ashton and thank him for the dress, but he was too busy shouting at someone over the phone. Calum, however, did stop to look at me as soon as I stepped out. He came to a complete halt in his tracks. I turned to him and smiled, but all he could do was stutter back.

"Y-You look amazing," He scrambled out and sighed in defeat, realizing thag he could only open up his arms and let me hug him, which I did. As I embraced Calum, I felt warm in his arms but as Ashton shouted over Calum's heartbeat, I grew uneasy.

Uncomfortably, I moved out of the hug and grabbed my belongings as I stepped out, Calum following me. Ashton would eventually catch up with us. As we got down the lobby steps, the teen girls who were in love with Calum, Ashton, and Coach began to scream. But as they saw me, their breaths hitched in their throats.

Calum was about two steps in front of me and before I began walking down, he extended his hand so that I could take it, which I did. We walked slowly as if I was wearing a 20 pound dress and glass slippers, so one wrong move would mess it all up.

Once I reached the lowest step, the people who were holding their breaths, let it out, and they began to talk over each other to get to Calum. He, however, led me to the black van, opened the passenger door, helped me up, and shut the door. The driver, whom I had not seen, spoke to me and startled me unintentionally,"Miss, excuse my curiosity, but do you happen to be in a relationship with Mr. Hood?"

"Oh, no. I don't think that would ever occur in a million years;" I scoffed and laughed, as I shook my head and looked down at my lap. "my dear, I haven't gone on a date since I began working for Mr. Irwin."

"Could that be due to the fact that Mr. Hood hasn't asked you?" He questioned further. I cannot say that his questions were boring because they allowed you to think about everything overall, but I truly didn't have an answer for most of his questions.

"I will get back to you on that," I smiled, hoping that he would drop the subject, which he gallantly did.

At first, I was wondering why he had done this but then I realized that Calum and Ashton had pried open the doors.

Calum went in first and he sat all the way pressed up against the window and Ashton followed, taking the middle seat. It was very funny to me because they were so tall that they had to fold their legs in order for them to even fit in the damn car.

The car began to move and I took it upon myself to turn on the radio. French radio was much different than our radio, but after mindless searching, I found a semi-American based station. As I nodded my head to the beat, I looked in the rearview mirror for one second only to make eye contact with Calum.

Calum was looking at with an intrigued expression in his face as I danced. Then, he rolled his eyes and looked out the window, a smile on his face. I attempted to look at Ashton, but his eyes were glued to his cell phone, not even giving me a second look.

Then, I looked down at my lap and when I stared back up, there was Calum looking at me again. He shook his head and mouthed to me to forget about it. Next, he gave me a ridiculous face and I let out a small laugh, gaining the attention of everyone in the car. And my embarrassment was funny to Calum so he began laughing. In the end, we were both in hysterics.

This didn't seem to phase Ashton one bit, but it was pissing me off.


last chapter was kinda uneventful

so here

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