Saving Lucy

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The last piece of advice Mama would ever give me floated to the surface of my awareness. "It's never too late to shed dead skin." Mama was fond of self-renewal. As I approached the clearing, I could see him, worried but still waiting. He's wearing jeans and a brown shawl collar sweater. "I love you, queen, but I can't continue this. You have to come clean with me. 100." I stepped into the clearing before I could lose my nerve.

"Queen, you're late, I was beginning to worry." I couldn't find the strength to smile. He always calls me that as if I were his queen. "I can't stay long, Damien. I should be resting in bed. But I wanted to share this with you here."

Biting my lower lip, I let him lead me to the log facing the creek, noting the tightening of his muscles. This is a terrible situation for everyone. Auntie was right; I should have told him before we married. How did I convince myself otherwise? He brought me here several months ago to tell me his secrets. It's only fitting that the first shedding happens here.

After we settled, "I asked you to meet me here because I need to be honest with you." Happy that I chose to confide in him he nodded, "I'm listening." I closed my eyes briefly, surging up my courage. It's never too late to shed dead skin. He took my hands but, I pulled away. No contact was best. He looked surprised, "This is hard enough as it is, if you touch me I'll just crumble."

"Then crumble I'm right here."

"No, I need to do this, you need to listen."

"I can comfort you –''

"No, there's no time. A few days ago you told me that you love me and to come clean, well, I need you to know how I got here. I've been hiding so long that I've forgotten who I am."

"Then tell me," he said gently. "You know my mother died a week after my 14th birthday that was the beginning."

"I thought you were— "I am but listen."


"I lived with my aunt for two years before she married, and I had to leave. In fact, it was a month after my 16th birthday that I ran into Mackenzie." I waited for the information to absorb. "You mean?"

"Yes... do you want me to continue?"

Chapter One

My name is Lucy Eliza Williamson; I'm 20 years old, I met my Damien two years ago. My cousin Gianna originally introduced us at a house party. We reconnected a year later. Our reconnection was pure dumb luck. Although I didn't know it until today. So, what happened? Damien and I don't have a formal relationship. Meaning, Damien hadn't introduced me to many of his friends. I hadn't met anyone from his family until today.

We'd just arrived at his loft; he picked me up from my apartment I shared with my best friend, Mandy. I'd all but moved in, his neighbor Marcus waited for him to reach the door before he spoke: "your sister's here, and she's pissed."

I turned to Damien, "Did you know she was coming by?" I squeaked, I couldn't help it I wasn't prepared to meet his family. I had my hair up in a messy ponytail. I was wearing a loose shirt and yoga pants. I looked a hot ass mess. "It's cool baby," he was casual, "damn though, I need to tell you something before we go in."

It all came out then; he didn't own or rent the loft. His sister lets him stay there rent free, utility free. "You didn't have to lie to me; you already have me." I wasn't planning on going anywhere. I know what you're thinking, but it's not like that at all. I have someone else who is unavailable to me.

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