Chapter 1: Sunflower Vol. 6

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*Song: Sunflower Vol. 6 by Harry Styles*

Author's Note: Hi, this is the first chapter of Calm!!! I hope you enjoy!!!




Harry's POV:

"Why have you not been answering your phone, baby?" he mumbles, breaking the silence between us.

"Don't call me baby right now," I say and his eyes widen.

"Why not? What are you talking about?" he asks, anxiously.

"Well I saw some things, Harry, that I didn't like if I'm being honest," she says and I can already tell she's upset. I could tell when she opened the door.

"Okay, well show me and then we can talk about it," I say as she hops off the counter, walking towards me with her phone in hand. She shows me and my eyes widen. I'm honestly shocked at the fact that I didn't see the cameras. I usually see them.

"Can you talk to me about these?" she asks as I take her phone from her to get a better look.

"Nothing happened between any of us, I promise. They are just friends," I say.

"Yeah but can you tell me what happened? Like did you tell her to get off your lap?" she asks and I tilt my head back, looking up towards the ceiling. I'm not going to lie to her I was stupid and didn't. I know that's bad but I also couldn't figure out how to tell her to get off. I can't yell at her to get off. "I'm going to take that as a no. If nothing happened then why does it look like it?"

"Leah, you know what the press does. It's not a big deal," I say, looking at her. Trying to calm down the situation. I don't want her to think this is a big deal. I wanted her to get off but I couldn't find a nice way to tell her to.

"You know what? I don't actually because it's not like they photoshopped it, it really happened and you didn't tell her to get off of you. You know what I thought I knew though? I thought I knew that you would never be the darkness Harry. But I guess I was wrong." she says, getting more angry by the second. I didn't want this to happen. I was going to tell her about this before she saw the pictures but she wouldn't answer and now I have so much to say to her but I can't say them.

"Leah I am not the darkness, I'm allowed to hang out with friends," I defend, only making the situation worse. Why am I struggling to just tell her what happened? She would understand.

"And they are allowed to sit on your lap?" she questions and I start to get mad. I run my hand through my hair. She thinks I actually cheated on her.

"Leah it's not a big deal. I don't love them, I love you! I didn't do anything with them!" I shout, frustrated. I can't believe she would think that. I would never do that to her.

"I never once thought you did but you're also not explaining what happened to me Harry!" she shouts back, which is true. It's like I can't even speak enough to tell her that I couldn't tell her to get off without being mean. I didn't want that girl on my lap, I really didn't. I didn't enjoy it at all. I just wanted to go home and talk to Leah.

"Explain to me why this is such a big deal." I say, trying to calm the situation down but only making it worse when I see rage beginning to fill her eyes.

"Harry stop being an arrogant son of a bitch and open your eyes! Do you understand how hard it is for me to sit here while you're thousands of miles away and then seeing that you were with other girls that you claim to be your 'friends'? When I want to be the one that's with you. But I gave you space because you said it would be best for you to do this alone and I respected that and stayed here. And then Kenna shows me a picture of you at some bar with girls all around you, one of them on your lap. Do you know how hard it is sitting here and being jealous, not being able to do anything about it? Not knowing what is going on? How would you feel if you were in my situation? What would you think if I was sitting on another man's lap and then say 'oh that's just my friend"? And it makes it seem even worse that you aren't even trying to explain anything!" she yells and my eyes widen in shock. I've never seen her yell at anyone like that. And here she is yelling at me.

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