Present Time : Festival of Fools

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"Mind if Gigi and I join in, Esme?" The dark haired beauty looked up to face a woman who looked not much older than herself, with eyes black as night. This was the very same woman who raised Esmeralda for as long as she could remember. A female Grey goat butted heads playfully with Djali.

"Queen Sirena?!" A young gypsy boy noted looking up.

"Mom? You're not supposed to be out here! What will Clopin say?!" Esmerelda asked astonished.

"Are you kidding? Clopin doesn't own me. Believe it or not, I'm actually older than him," Sirena spoke back,  getting into the groove and dancing with Esmeralda, her anklet bells jingling as she moved. Sirena began to hum a joyful tune to the beat of Esmeralda's tambourine. A handsome blond came down their street, and the two women smiled flirtatiously at him while continuing to dance. All of a sudden a loud whistle was heard signifying danger,and they all panicked. Sirena ushered the others to safety, before turning back. As Esmeralda tried to pick up the coins,  two guards stepped before her. 

"Alright Gypsy,  where'd you get the money?"

"For your information, I earned it, " Esmerelda told them sassily.

"Gypsies don't earn money." One of the guards stated,  before the other grabbed the young gypsy woman.

"They steal it." Sirena narrowed her eyes and tapped her foot thrice, the jingling bells alerting the other soldier to her presence.

"If you want her, you'll need to go through me first." Her calm and melodic yet threatening voice caught their attention,  and they looked at each other, as a similar thought raced through their minds.

"I suppose you are coming with us then,  gypsy witch!" One of the men reached for her left arm. Sirena smirked as she stood still for a moment.

"Oh I beg to differ. Neither of us are going with you..." She wrenched her arm away and flipped him over her shoulder with ease.  "Gigi, Djali! Now!" Both goats ran towards the other guard and head butted him in the stomach and the crotch, knocking him down for a few minutes. Sirena grabbed Esmeralda and the two women raced out of sight... Shortly followed by their giddy lovestruck goats. As they hid behind a few crates,  the two soldiers got up and tried to follow them,  but to their surprise, the blond fellow they saw earlier detained them as the horse actually sat on one of the men. Sirena chuckled, and she led Esmeralda to a new place to dance.


"Are you still going to try to sing today in the Festival, Mom?" Esmeralda asked the older gypsy. "I've heard you singing when you thought no one was listening." Sirena frowned sadly as a memory returned.

"I...  I don't know." Tears welled up in her eyes, as she remembered him.

"Why ever not? You have the most enchanting voice on this earth... Is it because of that lost lover you often sing about?" Sirena sighed.

"Yes.... It was long ago, when I was about your age. A few gypsy boys knocked him over the huge bridge close to out of town. He hates gypsies, because that one night he almost drowned because of them." Sirena sat down and petted Gigi's fur.

"But he didn't die because...?" Esmeralda pressed on. This was the most information anyone had gotten out of her for years.

"I saved him that night, with my secret gift... And as I kissed him to return his life force... I knew I loved him and that I was meant for him. I used to sing to him for many years... Until it got too risky to go out. Ever since then, his hatred for our people has gotten stronger... And so does my pain from the space between us. Esme, he doesn't even know I'm a gypsy,"  Sirena spoke softly, her dress nearly soaked with the tears that flowed from her eyes in sadness. The younger girl watched the Gypsy Queen peek out of their tent and giggle at the sight of Clopin dancing around like a crazy funny lunatic.

"So will he be here today? At the Festival?" Esmerelda asked quietly. Sirena looked back at her.

"Him? Of course. He has to. It's... part of his job."

"Oh. Is he cute?" Sirena, chuckled at that one, peering out to try and see if she could spot him yet, when a loud crash startled the two women. They turned around to find a covered and scared young man underneath the large cloth.

"Are you all right?" Sirena asked worriedly. She knew how crazy some people got on Topsy Turvy Day.

"Oh I... I didn't mean to! I'm sorry." The man whispered his apology profusely.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Esmerelda questioned. "Here,  let's see"

"No no.. No!" The young man protested,  as She pulled back his hood.

"See? No harm done." Esme spoke calmly, both women now looking upon the frightened male's face without a shred of fear.

"Just try to be more careful,  and you'll be alright my dear." Sirena smiled gently to him,  before leading him out of their tent.

"I will." After he left, Sirena sighed as she, changed into a royal blue two piece dress.

She still had her bell anklets, and wore her gypsy crown, adding as a final touch, a single blue rose in her braided raven hair

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She still had her bell anklets, and wore her gypsy crown, adding as a final touch, a single blue rose in her braided raven hair.

"You look beautiful, Sirena, " Esme spoke in awe at the gypsy queen. Sirena looked up at the girl she considered as her daughter, and smiled softly.

"So do you, little one." She took another peak outside. "It's almost time."

"You will sing, right?" Sirena nodded an affirmative.

"Go on Esme, or you'll be late." Esmeralda slipped out quietly, to perform her dance. Sirena sat alone,  bitting her lip nervously. She hadn't sang in front of people for... How long was it now? "23 years. My, how the years has flown by..." Gigi her goat just looked at her, and gently butted the back of her hand. "Of course I won't chicken out. I have to bring him back. I just... don't know if I can." The trumpets sounded,  and she knew her time was close. "Well, here I go."

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