In securties (Bird in a cage)

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In a fresh dew with beautiful sky . yellow sky with glimpse of blue. Surrounded with  fresh scents of orchids and fragment of flowers . nature woke up .chriping chrip a tiny little sparrow  came to orchid. a fresh Cherry covered with drew drops felt down he flew to it. With delightful breakfast he started his exploration he flew to mountains with  full of woods thick oak trees huge eucalyptus with various trees mountain looked like a heaven as he flew up clouds covered mountain it was like a dream . He flew to the great water with vibrant water falls he flew and flew till his tiny wings got tired he flew into outskirts of country he saw a mansion . It was in beautiful white he sat on a tree looking at the mansion .a low chriping sound made him curious he flew over and found a sparrow in a cage. He went to sparrow  and said my friend come with me ,let's explore vast skies, great mountains , drizzling water falls .come let's dance in rain, eat in orchids and stay in oak trees.Bird in cage looked at him and said, my friend ,In vast sky and great mountains. iam scared let me stay here in the cage with little grain singing to people and sleeping in cage. Bird opened the door of cage and said, my friend, I am with you if your scared I will bring you back to cage now come with me let's fly. They flew to gardens with scents of flowers ,they flew to orchids and  grains field, they  flew until dawn . They  slept on a oak tree with spacious burrows in nice soothing breeze.
Moral: never let your thoughts and insecurities stop you be courage's and explore every opportunity of life

Thank you for reading.

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