7: Plans and an ex

Start from the beginning

I sat in silence, staring at the phone. The house was dead quiet with my fosters gone. Norman, my foster father, was nice enough to leave a phone here in case I needed to contact them. It was the only time I could use a phone. They had serious trust issues with me, and it was annoying.

A knock rang at the front door, making me jump out of my skin. "Holy crap." I muttered, setting a hand over my heart. I slid off the kitchen stool and went to the front door, hoping it was Anne. I really needed to talk to her.

I swung the door open. "Anne, you- oh." I stopped upon seeing my ex boyfriend standing in front of me. He was tall, with curly, dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. I used to love those eyes. "Tony. What- what are you doing here?"

"Rylee. I didn't expect you to answer." He cleared his throat a bit awkwardly. "I, uh, I remembered that I left some things here. I need them back."

"Oh, I didn't think you did." I stepped back. "Well, come in, then."

"Thanks." Tony stepped past me. I could smell his woodsy scent as he did. I once found comfort in that scent.

I closed the door. "So where is this stuff you're looking for?"

"Uh, somewhere around here." He wasn't looking at me.

I crossed my arms. "Tony. What's this actually about?"

He turned, and suddenly, he was kissing me. I fell against the wall in surprise but found myself kissing back. Then my brain woke up and slammed on the brakes.

I shoved him away, eyes wide. "What the hell?" I wiped my mouth slightly.

Tony was staring at me intensely. "I miss this, Rylee. I miss us. I need you back."

I was still catching my breath. "What? No! This can't- no! We broke up two months ago because you weren't 'feeling it', and suddenly... this?!" I questioned, gesturing at him like a psycho.

He caught my hands. "Rylee, listen to me. I was stupid. I didn't realize what I had until it was too late."

I pulled out of his hold, scoffing. "Yeah, two girls too late, apparently. Yeah, I know about Alexis and Trista. You had to hook up with two girls before you realized that? Really?"

Tony shook his head. "Like I said, I was stupid. Please give us another chance."

I stared at him, dumbfounded. "Our break up was good. It made me realize that you are kind of an ass. And I didn't realize that even when you said you had 'spent too much time on one chick.' I'm not falling for it." I opened the door. "Now get out."

Tony looked at the door, eyebrows shooting up. "Who are you?"

What? I turned to see Kason standing there ready to knock. "Why are you here?"

Kason looked between Tony and I. "Seems I stumbled on something... private."

Tony crossed his arms, facing him fully. "Yeah, a discussion between a boyfriend and his girlfriend."

"I'm not your damn girlfriend, Tony." I pushed him. "Get out."

"Rylee, I'm still talking to you." Tony argued.

"Hey, didn't you hear her? Beat it, Tiny." Kason spoke up, motioning for him to leave.

"Did you just call me Tiny?" Tony growled, facing him.

I realized at that moment that Kason was taller than him. And that was saying something because Tony was a giant.

"Yeah, I did, so what? She asked you to leave. I suggest you do it."

I pushed Tony again. "Go away, I'm not kidding."

"Fine!" Tony shoved me away, making me trip and almost fall.

Kason grabbed his shirt. "Hey! You don't treat her like that, you hear? Apologize."

"Kason, drop him, let him leave." I ordered, knowing if I didn't a fight could easily break out.

Tony yanked away, and Kason let him go. "You'll regret that, Rylee." He got in his car and peeled out before racing away.

I let out a breath and fell back against the wall. "What a relief."

Kason turned to me, scanning me over. "You okay?"

I was surprised by the concern in his voice. "Uh, yeah. Thank you. He didn't seem ready to leave any time soon."

"So he wasn't your boyfriend, I'm assuming."

"We broke up two months ago. He was here trying to get me back." I couldn't believe I kissed him. Using the back of my sleeve, I scrubbed at my lips. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"Bringing you this." He held out a small flip phone.

"What?" I took it. "Seriously?"

"It seems that since you're not allowed to have one, you needed a secret one. Here it is. Now we can communicate as needed." Kason reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. "And it's nearly seven. I thought I would be nice and pick you up."

I couldn't help but smile. "Being nice on purpose? What's gotten into you?"

He smiled but rolled his eyes. "Come on. We have lots to talk about. And I have food."

I pointed at him. "Sold. I'll just grab my shoes."


This chapter was slightly short. But if I didn't cut it off right here it would be soooo long lol. Hope you enjoyed, vote if you did, I appreciate it. Thanks for reading (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)

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