First Encounter

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Newly made Judge Claude Frollo made the mistake of going out without his horse, or of any protection really, and walked peacefully through the streets of Paris. He didn't know where he was going, only that he wanted to clear his head. He had just gotten this job, and he really wanted to do it well. Rain started to lightly fall, and he looked to find a place to hide from the droplets that fell from the heavens. A soft singing reached Frollo's ears, and he followed it to the bridge, and found a girl a little bit younger than himself sitting on the edge, singing to herself.

Frollo grew closer, focusing on only her. Her voice echoed across the way, it's melody hauntingly beautiful. She wore a white off the shoulder dress, and a blue sash covered with bells that jingled as she stood up and danced fearlessly on the edge. A single blue rose was in her hand, as she danged with an imaginary person. Her eyes were closed the entire time, and he stood still, so awed by her skill, that he didn't notice three gypsy teenage boys running towards him. The moment before he was pushed over, her eyes finally opened at the last words of her song, and sparkling black eyes stared at him, before everything went blank.


"Oh no!" The gypsy girl dove of the edge of the bridge after the poor fellow. "Where is he?!" She frantically asked herself, as she could not see him anywhere. "He must have gone under-" She spotted his hand coming up once as he tried but failed to swim to shore. The girl dove after him, pulled with all her might, and brought him to the shore. He wasn't breathing at all, and she became worried. "You can't go now! The time is not right yet!" She looked around quickly to make sure no one was watching, then turned back to him. She grimaced as her back cracked, revealing glowing angel wings. She leaned forwards and kissed the male stranger on the mouth. She drew back as sparks jolted her as their lips touched, her eyes growing wide at it's meaning. She quickly resumed, drawing out the liquid in his lungs. She did so for a few minutes, until the young male started coming around. The man opened his eyes to see the raven haired girl he saw earlier now sitting on him, her face illuminated by the moonlight... And with wings?! "Are you ok sir?"

"I'm fine...Who are you? Are you... an angel?" He asked, a bit too weak to move at all.

"I suppose you could call me that. My name is Sirena." The dark haired woman gently got off of him and he tried to get to his feet, but failed, now feeling the shock of his unexpected dip in the cold river. "I can take you home if you wish..."

"Frollo. And... Yes, it would help very much. I don't think I could stay here all night, alll alone...but I do wish to stay with you. You have an amazing voice." Sirena blushed lightly.

"Thank you sir. As it is dark, and you can not walk just yet, tell me where it is you're staying. Then I shall bring you there... And if you want me to... I can sing you to sleep, " sirena offered.

"I'd like that very much...Sirena. The Palace of Justice is where I live now. I- woah" He was not expecting the girl to pick him up so easily in her skinny arms. He didn't know what to say as she flew off, carrying him bridal style. He nestled his head on her shoulder, as she began to sing once more.... A song he would never forget as long as he lived.

"Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours,
I am forever yours.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams; mon cher,
You're always in my prayers.
Softly, sweetly, wrapped up in heaven's arms.
Sailing, soaring, over the moon, gathering stardust.
Be still, be safe, be sure.
Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours.
Wishing, praying, all of your dreams come true.
Please remember, where 're you are, my heart is with you.
Sweet dreams, sweet dreams; mon cher,
You're always in my prayers.
I am forever yours.
Je T'aime, Je Ta'aime Toujours."

Frollo vaguely remembered her placing him gently in bed, before kissing him lightly on his forehead. He remembered seeing her remove something blue from her dark hair, and leave it on the nightstand beside him, before sleep took him. The next morning Frollo went out in search for the girl, but it seemed as though she never existed, but he knew otherwise. He still had her blue rose she left him that night. He saw her flying in the sky at night a few times, but always heard her voice calling out to him. The voice he chased every day, would always sing to him to sleep, especially on the most restless of nights. Then after 16 years, the voice stopped all together. That was when the gypsies started coming out, and violence charged through the city like a frightened deer. Frollo feared the worst, and so continued into his madness, blaming the Gypsy people for the loss of his beloved angel.

His Sirena RoseWhere stories live. Discover now