Now You See Me, Now You Don't: Chapter 3

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Chapter 2

     "Scar, hurry!" Ashlyn cried as she practically ran down the airport aisle. "We can't miss the flight!"

     "Ughh!" Scar groaned as she gained speed and ran past Ashlyn. "This is all your fault, Ash!" she huffed.

     "Please. You were the one who wanted to go check out the latest Gucci handbags!"

     "Yeah, and then you were the one who actually wanted to buy a million stuff!"

     "Well, I didn't buy anything in the end, did I?" Ashlyn gained speed, and soon she was running by Scarlett's side.

     "No, but you wasted hours looking for something to buy!" Scarlett muttered.

     "They didn't even have anything worth buying." Ashlyn rolled her eyes.

     They made their way over to the boarding gate that led them into the plane taking them to Paris, France. The announcments were droning on about the final call for all passengers boarding the plane heading to Paris. A few people were walking about, but the place was basically deserted.

     Without saying anything, both girls thrust their boarding tickets into the hands of the annoyed-looking gate agent.

     The gate agent gave them both a dirty look, but soon they were heading into the tunnel that would lead them into the Air France airplane.

     "We made it!" Scar said happily as they quickly walked towards the plane entry.

     "Uh-huh." Ashlyn nodded as she looked around. It was always best to note your surroundings, whether there was much to note or not. Of course, now that most passengers had already boarded the plane, the two girls were the only ones in the tunnel. There wasn't much to see except the white-colored wall, so Ashlyn quickly shook her head and added, "Paris, here we come!"


     Jack jumped up from his seat by the window as Ashlyn and Scarlett made their way towards them. "Where were you guys?" He glared at them. "We were worried sick!"

     Scar sighed and flopped onto the seat opposite Jack's. "Sorry, mommy. Ash here got caught up window shopping."

     "Not my fault," Ashlyn muttered as she surveyed their surroundings once again. The seats around them were all occupied, and the rest of the passengers were staring at them in curousity or annoyance.

     "I know we shouldn't have separated. 'We need to go to the bathroom', my foot." Jack scowled, mimicking the words Ash and Scar had fed him and Ryan when they'd looked for an excuse to run off shopping. "You were gone for a whole bloody hour or two!"

     "Whatever." Ashlyn rolled her eyes. Jack could be so uptight sometimes.

     Robby had arranged for them to all to be seated together, so they'd been given two seats that faced another couple of seats. Jack sat back into his seat, grumbling; and Scar started rooting through her purse. Ashlyn noted that Ryan was seated beside Jack, his eyes closed. He looked relaxed and peaceful...oh, wait, that was probably because he was sleeping. Hmph.

     As the pilot's voice boomed over the intercom and requested everyone to seat themselves and put their seatbelts on as they were soon going to take off, Ashlyn suddenly felt dizzy. "What the hell?" she gasped as she clutched her head.

     Immediately, Scar and Jack were by her side, worried looks on their faces.

     "Are you okay?" Scar asked anxiously, as Jack went, "What's the matter?"

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