Chapter 19: The Second Tournament

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You're walking down to the Black Lake with Neville and Harry and Neville is holding... something.

'This should last about an hour.' Neville says.

'Should?! Don't you mean will?' Harry basically yells.

'Well, there's a theory that the effects may be different in salt water compared to fresh water.'

'It's okay, Neville.' You say before Harry could interrupt. 'Better than what we could find in the library.'

You get in a boat with them and head to the stands. When you arrive you help Harry take off his shirt. He has a swim shirt underneath that has his team name on it. It's still cold outside and you hope that this tournament won't get anyone sick.

'Something was taken from our champions last night, a treasure, lets say. They each have one hour to find it at the bottom of the lake. After the hour is up, they will be on their own.' Dumbledore says.

You rub Harrys arm and as you're doing so, Moody pokes him with his stick telling him to put the gilliweed in his mouth. Harry does so and starts gagging. You look at him and he begins to choke. You slap his back but after the cannon was shot, Moody pushes him into the water.

You run and get on your knees beside Seamus and Dean, but you can't see Harry in the water. Neville starts freaking out and thinks that he killed Harry.

Shortly after, Harry emerges from the water and cheers, everyone in the crowd does so as well. You let out a sigh of relief and look at Neville.

'He's okay,' you say.

Now it's just a waiting game.

You decide to go sit in a corner and read the note that Malfoy dropped.


You're right. I am a coward and scared and was worried about my 'reputation.' If my father found out how I feel, he would probably kill us both.

But, truth be told... I like you. I really do.

I've always thought that you were beautiful ever since I first lay my eyes on you, but this year was different. That's why I was talking to you and taking you into private rooms. I just wanted to be alone with you. Blaise thinks I love you, but I don't know what love is. I've never been in love before.

As for Pansy, I am so sorry. She had no right to do that. I do admit, I was reading your diary, but I didn't know that's what it was until I started reading it. She ripped the book from my hands and when she realized what is was, there was nothing I could do. Well, I could have, but like I said, my reputation got in the way. I'm afraid what will happen if people figure out I like you.

Blaise knows for sure and I think your friends know, but I can't say for certain about them.

I'm jealous. I'm jealous of what you and Potter have, and it's something I wish I could have with you instead of him.

I guess I thought I was teasing you, but turns out I was bullying you and I'm sorry.

There's no excuse for what I have done, but I hope that one day you will forgive me. After writing this, I think I do love you. I think about you all the time. Every morning and night, every second of everyday and it hurts me to see you with him.

I've never felt like this towards anyone before. It's new and different, but I like it.. even though it hurts at the same time.

I'll wait.. forever if I have to because I want to be with you.. so much. If you don't want to forgive me, I understand. I've never been anything but hateful towards you.

I'm sorry, and I will wait. I promise.


You re-read the note over and over. You don't know how many times you read it. You come out of your daze when you hear all the students cheer. Cedric and Cho emerge from the water. You put the paper back in your pocket and run up to them. You give Cedric a hug and hand him a towel.

'Thank you,' he says while still holding onto Cho. 'I seen Harry down there, I warned him about how much time he has left.'

You turn around and look at the clock and see that there is only ten minutes left.

How long did I read that note?

You nod your head to him and look at Cho.

'How are you feeling?' You ask her.

'Cold and tired. I'm definitely taking a nap after this.' She says laughing.

You laugh too and see Hermonie climbing up the later. You bid Cedric and Cho goodbye and head over to Hermonie.

'Never in my life, do I want to do that again.' She says while shivering.

Viktor hands her a towel and she says thanks.

'Well, I don't think you had much of a choice. Hopefully the last task will be easier.'

You look back at the clock and realize there is only a few minutes left. Harry hasn't came back yet and you start to worry.

'I'm sure he will be fine.' Hermonie says and all you can do is nod your head while staring into the water. You see Fleur in the corner panicking. You assume that she didn't complete her task.

Right as the clock chimes, Ron and a little girl emerge from the water, but no Harry. You run up to Ron.

'Where's Harry?' But he only shakes his head.

You start pacing around. It's already been a minute past and still no sign of Harry. Hermonie comes up to you and you feel like crying. Before a tear falls from your eyes, Harry flies onto the deck right in front of you.

Both you and Hermonie crouch down and hug him.

'Ow, guys. I can finally breathe again and here you are, trying to suffocate me.'

We let go of him and Hermonie goes to get him a towel. Barty tells Seamus to get him another towel and he does. Harry sits on the ground shivering and when Dumbledore starts talking, you help him stand. You wrap your arms around him to help him warm up.

'The winner is... Cedric Diggory! But, because Harry Potter saved not only Ron, but the girl from Beauxbatons as well, the judges have agreed to award him.. second place!' Everyone starts cheering but the guys from Durmstrang are not happy about it.

Everyone begins to head back to the castle and you get in a boat with Harry, Hermonie and Ron. You sit next to Harry and lay your head on his shoulder while Ron and Hermonie try to remember what happened.

'I don't remember anything after the library, then I woke up in water.' Hermonie says.

'Same here.' Ron says. He looks over to you and Harry. 'So, did you two start dating while we were gone?'

You can feel your face heat up and you look down into the water.

Out of the corner of your eye you can see Hermonie hit Ron on the shoulder and Harry giving him a glare.

'Well, it must have! Look at her. Her face is so red and she's embarrassed!'

'That doesn't mean it happened, Ron! Or.. did it?' You look at Hermonie who is just smiling at you.

Harry looks at you and you can see that he is embarrassed as well.

'Did you two start dating while you were gone?' You ask Ron.

He just opens and closes his mouth. 'We were under water!'

'That's not an excuse. I mean look at you, your face is red!' You say mimicking Ron.

You, Harry and Hermonie laugh while Ron just pouts.

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